Chapter 40 (Epilogue)

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Katniss's POV
She dances in the meadow, her hair flying around her. It's not the same golden blonde as it was five years ago, when she was born. It has darkened over the years, now creating a caramel color instead. I haven't told anyone, but I hope that it won't grow any darker. It would just make her more like her mother, which is not something I wish to happen. Luckily for me, she is already so much like Peeta. She's selfless, caring and humorous, and very good with her language, even for her age. She loves creating a lot more than she does killing, which is a quality that both excites and terrifies me, all at the same time. It excites me, because, to state the obvious, killing people is not good. The reason it terrifies me, is because if (when) she goes into the arena, I'm afraid she won't have it in her to defend herself.

Peeta says the only way we can protect her, is to prepare her. There is no other way around it. We've begun training with her. Not anything violent yet, but I've been teaching her how to hunt, which plants to eat, where to find water, and how to climb. Peeta will teach her more of hand-to-hand combat later on. But not now. Not yet.

For now, I'm doing everything in my power, to just revel in the joy, instead of the fear, that she brings me. There's still many years until her first reaping, and she's already very well-liked among Capitol citizens, so I'm sure she'll have sponsors. We've brought her to the Capitol every single year we've had to mentor. Simply because I have such a deep-rooted fear of her being stolen from me, if I'm not by her side 24/7.

Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. That even if she does end up in that arena, we'll make her survive. She'll get out of there alive, maybe with traumas, but at least we'll understand her, and be able to comfort her.

And sometimes, on a good day, I believe him. It's the kind of days where I can find some kind joy in everything. It's a rare feeling I'd never really felt before Willow was born. Peeta says that's a good thing - she brings me joy.

But on the bad days, the days where I can't find joy in anything, not even her, are the days where I'm sure she'll be taken away from me. I stay in bed the entire day, shaking and crying, falling in and out of nightmares.
Peeta's arms are always there to comfort me. And so is Willow's voice. It is on these days, where I can't appreciate anything, that I appreciate my family the most.

We will survive this. Just like we've survived everything else.
We always will.



oh good lord i can finally move on from this shit i am so relieved you have no idea.

ok i apologize for you guys having to wait three months for this terrible update, i just really didnt know what to do, and i need to wrap this up.
also, i am so so sorry, but i havent even had this proof read by my beta, peetabaesically, and this is so boring and short and im sosorry but just

ok anyways, so yes, this was the last update from mentors. but dont you worry, i have two more fics in the works, so you wont be getting rid of me that easily. i wont be posting the new fics for a little while, as I still need to write a bit more, but i'll try to be more active on my one shots and drabbles! also, DONT remove this from your library, as i will be posting updates about my new fics on this one!
also, remember to follow me, bc that way you'll be notified when I post some new content or update you guys about how writing is going and stuff! (if you want more of me, that is)

You can also follow me on my other socia medias;
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personal ig (if you wanna stalk the shit out of me) - sille.dahl

so yeah, i hope you'll come visit me! dont worry, im always up for talking, no matter the subject

I'll hopefully see you soon, love,

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