Chapter 7

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Peeta's POV
I wake up in the middle of the night. I realize that what I just saw was just a nightmare.

I didn't have a fight with Katniss, causing her to break down crying violently.

I turn to snuggle myself into Katniss, but I am met by a soft wall instead. I am sleeping on a couch. The thing that I thought was Katniss, is the back of the couch.
Slowly everything comes back to me, making me more and more angry at myself. How could I do that to her?

But then I remember how she was acting, and the anger towards myself is replaced by anger towards her.

I decide to get some fresh air. I get out of bed, taking the blanket with me, and walk up on the roof. 
Then I get outside, I'm met by a cool breeze playing with my blonde hair. I sit down by the forcefield, looking out over the Capitol. I muffle into my blanket, keeping me warm on this cold night.

After a while of gazing over the Capitol, I hear footsteps on the staircase. Katniss.

I turn, acting like I didn't know that it was her. But in reality, I just want to see her face. See what she is feeling.

Her eyes are red and puffy, she has big bags under her eyes, her nose and the areas around it are red, and her hair is a complete mess. It looks like she is on the verge of tears. Again.

I turn away from her.

"Go away."

I am happy that I turned away from her, because I am sure that my eyes just grew five sizes bigger. 
Where in the world did that come from?

"Peeta, I'm so-"

"No. I am not just forgiving you like I always do. You need to learn about consequences, that comes with hurting the people who love you the most."

I can't see her, and I can't hear her, but I can feel that she is about to cry. But she is not getting any comfort. She has to learn that treating me like this is not okay.

"Peeta, please just listen to me!" She yells, and her voice cracks. I know that she is crying now.

"Katniss, what do you want from me?!" I hiss back, this time looking at her.

Her face is contracted in the most hurt, sad face I've ever seen.

"I want you.. To listen.." She cries out. Waow, thank you. Mind putting the pause by another word?

"Fine. Then talk." I say, looking back over the Captiol.

She makes her way over to me, sitting down besides me. She is shivering, so I take off my blanket, and wrap it around her, making me shirtless, only in sweatpants.

"Peeta, now you're just going to freeze," she protests.

"Just because I'm angry doesn't mean I don't care," I say, shutting the topic down.

"Talk," I then say, still not looking at her.

"I know that I'm not treating you the way I should Peeta," she begins. Has she finally realized something, or is she saying the words I wan to hear?

"Peeta, I don't know what is wrong with me, and I know that you are just trying to protect me, and make sure that I always is in a good mood, and I hate myself for acting the way I do towards you, I just.. I don't even know what to say. I'm.. I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry for making a fool out of you. I am sorry for everything, and I know that my behavior is in no way acceptable, and I know that you have saved my life.." She pauses, probably trying to collect herself a bit more, sine she was tripping so much over her words.

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