Chapter 24

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Katniss' POV
Day two of trying to cover this thing up. Peeta gave me, what I am assuming is a hickey, two days ago, and it is basically impossible to cover it. I could wear a scarf, but it's way too hot. I've thought about saying that I fell, but it's a really bad excuse, since everyone can easily tell what it is.

"Katniss, hurry up! Raze is waking up soon!" Peeta yells from the bedroom. Raze have been in a coma for two days now, (after he blacked out in the arena after winning) and he is finally going to wake up today. He's been in sugery with both his face, and his eye. His real eye has been replaced with a glass eye, after the damage Ylja's brother's knife had done, was pretty fatal. And he got a new layer of skin made for his face, since most of it had been etched off by the weird mutt blood.

"It's your fault that I am taking this long!" I complain, applying more layers of makeup.

"Come on, just drop it," Peeta laughs behind me, as he enters the bathroom, seeing what I am doing.

"If you're not going to blend it, it's going to look worse." He walks over to me, and take the makeup brush that I am holding, out of my hand.

"Okay, let me help you with that," He chuckles as he inspects my poor attempt.

As he throws makeup on my neck, he blabbers about blending, contrast, which colors compliment which colors, and a lot of other stuff that I don't understand.

"And.. Done!" he says, turning me to the mirror.

"Oh my God, Peeta please do my makeup every day! You're a natural!" I say in a high pitched voice, poking fun at him being good at makeup, when in reality, it's just because he paints.

"Well, I am the one saving you from embarrassment. Shall we go?" he says, holding his hand out to mine. I grab his hand, and feel our fingers intertwine.


We arrive at the Hospital, where we find Haymitch and Effie waiting.

"You are 10 minutes late!" Effie hisses at us.

"Manners, Effie, don't hiss at the children!" Haymitch says, mimicking Effie's voice whenever she says something similar.

"You are unbelievable, Haymitch!" Effie scoffs.

"Should we find Raze?" Peeta asks, trying to stop the argument. I realize that Haymitch and Effie stills thinks that we are acting, or I am acting. I guess Haymitch will find out, when we get back home, and Effie will probably realize it during a train ride, or something. I don't really feel like telling them, to be honest.

Effie leads us through the gigantic Capitol hospital, and after a while, we stop by a door, with a sign on it, that says: 'ROOM 512, TRENBROOK'. Effie pushes the door open, and we enter the room.

Raze is on a hospital bed, with tubes going into his body everywhere. We slowly walk over to him. After a little while, he finally wakes up.

"Where.. Where am I?" He says with a hoarse voice.

"In the Capitol hospital," Peeta answers.

"Am I not in the arena anymore?"

"No. You won."

"Oh.. Whe- Where's Nova and Ylja?"

Before I can hear anything else, I storm out of the room.

Peeta's POV
Katniss storms out of the room, as I am preparing myself to answer Raze's question.

"Raze, I think that you know the answer to that yourself," I answer softly.

"Oh yeah, I remember now.." He whispers.

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