Chapter 26

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Katniss' POV
It has been two months since we came back. One month since I found out. But I've been ignoring Peeta ever since we came home, because I felt that something was wrong after the perfect night we shared.

Only Prim knows. Today I am supposed to hang out with Madge, and I might tell her as well. She'll probably know what to do. I wish I could ask Gale for advice, but we haven't been on the best terms since the wedding. The wedding. Oh shit, I'm married to Peeta, and we were supposed to move in together. I really do feel bad for not telling him, but I am really afraid for his reaction.
I debate on whether to tell Haymitch or not. He'd probably just get angry with me, for icing Peeta out, not telling him. I mean, it's pretty big, and he deserves to know.


I meet Madge at the town square, and she runs up to hug me. We haven't seen each other in a month, ever since I found out. I've actually been icing everyone out, not only Peeta.

"I've missed you so much! What has been going on?" Madge says, pulling away.

"Not here Madge. Follow me."


We walk to the fence, and I crawl into the woods.

"Katniss, what are you doing, that's not legal!" Madge whines.

"Madge, they're not gonna arrest the Mayor's daughter and a Victor. Besides, I've never been caught."

I drag Madge through the fence, and take her to mine and Gales place. No one's here, obviously, but I can't help but check.

Madge sits down, where Gale used to sit, and I sit besides her.

"So, what is it? It really seems to be bugging you, and private, since you're dragging me all the way out here."

"Madge, I'm.. I'm.." I can't finish the sentence, because I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I bury my face in my hands a little while, sobbing quietly. Then, I look up again, wipe the tears away, swallow hard, and say:

"Madge. I'm pregnant."

Madge gapes.

"WHAT?!" I hear a voice scream. To my horror, it isn't Madge.
It's Gale.

He looks at me, and then runs off as fast as he can.


"Um, do you want to talk about you being... Pregnant?"

I nod, and then say: "Madge, I don't know what to do. The child will end up in that arena! I can't be pregnant, I can't.."

"Okay, breathe.. How else, besides me, and Gale knows?"

I take a deep breath before answering.


"And Peeta, I assume?" Madge sends me a weird look.

"No," I say in a broken voice. Then I start to bawl my eyes out.

Madge puts her arm around me, comforting me, rocking me back and fourth.

"Katniss, it's his child too, he deserves to know," she whispers quietly.

"I know. I'm just so afraid of how he'll react," I whisper back.

"He really wants to have children, Katniss."

"How do you know?" I ask her, sitting up a little straighter.

"We talked a lot at the wedding, we've become pretty good friends. And since you didn't talk to him, well.. Someone had to," A faint smile is playing on her lips.

"Katniss, he really loves you. He'll be jumping with joy, as long as you talk to him." Her smile widens when she tells me.


It was really nice to tell someone. Madge and I walk through the District, laughing, talking, telling jokes. Acting like normal people. But then I remember the growing life form inside of me.

"Let's go to the bakery. You have to tell him," Madge says, as we get closer and closer to the bakery.

"But, what if he's not there? And his family is there? They probably know that I haven't been talking to him, what if they hate me? They weren't even at the wedding!" I start to panic, turning away from the bakery.

"Katniss, calm down! You have to tell him! You have to tell Peeta!" She says loudly, grabbing my arm.

"Tell me what?"


Okay, dang, this was a short chapter. But I couldn't really drag it out, and it the ending was so perfect. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

🍬I'll hopefully see you soon, and don't forget to comment and vote!🍬

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