he's my doctor

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Jisung rubbed his nape as he held his americano in his free hand. They had an emergency surgery for about thirty minutes and it just made everyone feel glum at the condition the patient was in.

The chubby cheeked doctor hated this part of his job and walked in shame as he passed by the family of the patient.

It wasn't like he didn't perform his very best or that he could create or have a perfect injured patient that was easy enough to fix, it wasn't like that.

Mr. Min approached the younger doctor and patted his back,"we tried our best, atleast the patient is resting." and rubbed his shoulders,"a lot of doctors I've seen wouldn't have been able to do what you did." and sent an encouraging smile.

Jisung half smiled and walked towards the elevator; everyone gave him sympathetic smiles knowing the doctor wasn't in the best mood.

He sat at his chair and put down his glasses as he rubbed at his eyes, he stared at his wall of accomplishments and just sighed.

"Dr.Han....I'm sorry to give you this news but." and Felix looked down at the floor and passed a file,"we'll need to document the death of..patient 450321."

Jisung nibbled at his lips and took the vanilla file onto his desk,"thank you nurse Felix." and waved the other out the door.

The doctor stood up and stared out the window with a pained feeling in his chest. For a hospital it wasn't rare for a patient to pass but for Jisung it always pained him to know someone he operated on passed.

He cleared his throat and placed the patient ID onto a clear tray and taped it down to four other names. The young doctor barely glanced at the five and just sat in silence.

He heard some calming music being played and he stood up and walked out the door to give the news to the family, his heart wrenching at the hope in the family's eyes,"I'm sorry to tell you this but....he-he didn't make it." and he dropped his gaze as the family mourned.

"How could you let this happen? We've heard you're one of the best!! Your survival rate is so much higher than death rate- what's the difference?!? Why did my father have to die?" and the older woman slapped the doctors chest.

Jisung stared at the floor and just let the family curse him.

Felix walked on over and escorted the family into one of the weeping rooms to try and calm them down.

The doctor walked over to his doctors in training and just smiled,"sometimes you'll have to deliver that type of news." and patted the shoulders of scared young men and women as he walked off.

By closing time almost everyone was feeling down and they were just racing to get out of the hospital. The doctor himself headed home on time and he slumped his way to his apartment.

The doctor greeted his neighbors with a tight smile and stepped in front of his door and swung it open. The frail male walked in and collapsed onto the floor.

Sushi waddled over to his owner and brushed his fur against the crying male.

Jisung wiped at his eyes and weakly leaned against the wall,"I'm fine, don't worry baby." and carefully made his way to the couch and just stared up at the ceiling.

He heard some knocks on the door but he just smothered himself in some blankets and blanked out all the surrounding sound around him.

"What's wrong?" and Minho stood over the small male bundled in blankets.

Jisung didn't bother to ask how Minho came in and with blotchy eyes he shook his head and just shrugged.

"Want to talk about it? Did someone do something to you? What's wrong??" and Minhos tone became more and more stern meanwhile Jisung just smiled.

"There's nothing wrong." but a sniffle escaped his nose and after staring at the brunette his eyes became more watery and he wrapped his arms around the older,"I-it's it-s all my fault." and Jisung wailed to the older.

Minho rubbed the others back as Jisung held tightly onto him.

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