im not dating Lee Know!

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Jisung pov
"Yeah-" And Lee Know grabbed my face and held one on my check and on my neck as he kissed me.

I quickly pulled away as soon as he let go of my face and I blushed and glanced at the shocked guys in the back.

Sushi just meowed at me and I glanced back at Felix who was screaming,"Felix no! No I'm not dating that guy no I'm not-"

"you so are! I can see it in your eyes! You even trust him to watch Sushi, he is so your boyfriend. I'm telling everyone." and he ran back inside.

I kicked the pebble next to me and sighed, I was just signing some papers with my peer that mentored with me with some of the other doctors.

He's a tad bit older but it wasn't exaggerated, I used to have a big crush on him back then so when he stopped by today to apply an application at my hospital I was slightly excited.

I totally forgot about Sushi and Lee Know but of course I sort of trusted Lee Know that he would be safe, but still it was worrisome for me.

Felix was eyeing me with excitement as Seungmin and Jeongin were gossiping,"guys! I'm not dating Lee Know! And get back to work. We aren't high schoolers anymore." and they all quickly denied it.

I huffed and walked off and helped Felix gather some other nurses to go and help out the guys back in the operation room.

My hands were a little tied but fortunately I lived up to my name and was able to safely operate on the two patients, and left them to rest.

I stepped out with my scrubs and walked over to the family,"they're doing great! The operation was a success." and I smiled down at the toddler and chunky baby in the mother's arms.

The family quickly thanked me and I adored the two little ones trying to bow to me in respect,"you two are so cute! You can go ahead and visit them, they're resting though." and I waved back to the baby who was waving to me.

I giggled and slid my hands into my pockets ,"and you're great with kids? that's hot." and I jumped once I saw Lee Know standing next to me.

Jeongin wiggled his eyebrows and cleared his throat,"I'll be back, don't do anything bad!" and he tried winking but his other eye blinked.

I sighed once I saw him run into the nursery room where Seungmin was working,"thanks for causing so much drama with me today, what made you stop by?" and be held out his hand.

"Come and see." and i hesitated but walked anyways,"are you going to kidnap me now?" and he chuckled at me.

"I brought you these, I wasn't sure if you were going to stay long or not but.." And I glanced down at the tiny lunch box.

My eyes widened and I grabbed it slowly,"t-thank  you." and I cleared my throat but my voice cracked,"I'll unfortunately stay longer and maybe if you aren't busy could you please watch Sushi-but I can call his sitter if." and he pushed a finger on my lip.

"Sushi's been lounging around with me all day." and he opened the car door and I smiled once his head peeked out.

"Hi baby-" and I petted his head.

"Dr. Han! One of the babies isn't taking some of the milk and I think it's-" and Seungmin jumped a little once he saw Minho.

Seungmin awkwardly stood with his pink scrubs,"Jisung can you please come help me, sorry to take you away from your." and he chuckled,"boyfriend."

"Yah! What did I tell you, thanks Lee Know." and I waved to Sushi and quickly helped Seungmin back inside.

I looked down at my hand and glanced at the lunch box in my hand that swung and my face burned.

Fucking Storytime!

A boy asked me to homecoming my freshman year and I agreed and went with him.

I never talked to him before or after the dance so it was pointless! And I lived my life normally until my first semester as a junior.

He's in my Spanish class and by now I'm already comfortable with my sexuality for almost over a year. There was certain situations that just made me upset.

1. Him asking me and embarrassing me I'm front of my peers by asking me if I even knew what we were doing.
I knew exactly what I doing by the way.

2. Him unfollowing me for no reason.
I didn't care since we didn't talk anyways.

3. Today, I was with my partner in the break out room and we were doing our assignment on the phone and my teacher likes me (the Spanish teacher I accidentally winked at) and she was cool about it. My friend told me he was talking shit,"shes capping, cap!" and other mumble stuff that she couldn't hear.

Over the the semester this bothered me. I don't know why he hates me/invalidates me as a person. I'm intelligent and I don't like to brag but I have a 4.0. He has a 4.0 or something like that and he has no reason to act that way.

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