you like me, Lee Know?

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3rd pov
Minho stood directly in front of Jisung who was too busy working on files to even acknowledge his presence, so he yanked off the frames and held them.

Jisung gasped and quickly stood up,"I can't see, give those back to me."

"Ohhhh don't doctors need good eye sight? How come you need glasses?" and ignored Jisungs pleads.

"Give them to me right now." And Jisung tried sounding threatening.

"Awwwwww doc, you're so cute." and Minho motioned towards the door,"you'll get your precious glasses if you go home."

Jisung shook his head,"whatever." and pulled a spare from out of his white coat pocket,"so, Lee Know. Can you fill this out for more?"

"Not scared of me? That's good, I wouldn't want you to be." and he quickly accepted the clipboard,"you know doc, you can just ask for my number no need to make me-"

Jisung lightly smirked,"that's for Jeongin to send you the bill." and clicked his pen.

Minho smirked back,"hmm I like you doc, your smart, and... sexy." and pushed Jisungs frames up.

Jisung blushed and lightly slapped the hand away,"how did you even get in here? I thought I got the locks fixed."

"Oh, I have a spare." and he smiled as he held up a pair of keys.

Jisungs pen dropped,"w-what? What do you even want from me?"

Mingo tapped his chin,"i don't know, maybe your love?" and he leaned his face towards the others

I'm totally late but in honor of national coming out day, I wanted to announce that I am pansexual.

I feel happy knowing I can finally express myself without feeling stuck or stressed. I hope you guys all will one day be able to feel this way, it feels fantastic! Even though it's only to people online, it still feels good to tell someone

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