My Dr.Han

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3rd pov
Jisung swung his brief case as he walked around the lobby, his old peer was starting today and he was a little nervous. The other was a close second to him, and that just meant the other was intelligent. Not just a prodigy.

"Hey Jisung!" and Jisung jumped but quickly greeted the slightly older male.

"Hello, Min." and Jisung slightly glanced around the lobby before showing him around,"I know you'll only be here for a few months before your transfer but I'm glad you took me on my offer, it'll be great to have some extra hands around here." and the two laughed.

Min chuckled and nodded,"we had a lot of fun while we were studying together, it still baffles me that you're so young." and Jisung playfully cut his eye.

"As if, you're only slightly older, being in your early thirties is nothing." and Jisung and Min walked into an elevator,"I'll introduce you to some staff, but I'll show you where you can store your things."

Jisung led him to a spare room,"my office is right next door, it'll be easy to find me." and Min scoffed.

"you act like you didn't win doctor of the year last year, I told my old colleagues that we studied together and they didn't believe me!" and the two laughed again.

"Minho relax, they aren't doing anything bad." and Changbin nudged the others shoulder.

"You can see the way that pervert stares at Jisung. He's barely twenty three, he's an old man." and Minho crumbled up the packet in his hand,"hand me one of those." and he lit the tip of his cigarette.

Jisung unlocked the door and handed the key,"this is yours, make yourself as comfortable as you please-" and as he was walking out, he stumbled a little on his own two feet.

Mr. Min caught him and he chuckled,"as clumsy as always! I wonder how you've been surviving without me all of this time." and he let the other out of his embrace.

"H-he just fell Minho, he could've hurt himself you know-" And Changbin got pinched by Hyunjin to shut his mouth.

"Hyunjin go and get me a distraction. I've been awfully frustrated these days." and the taller lad closed the door of the car and walked in.

"Chan go and help that tall string bean." and he cut his eye at the monitor he was glancing at,"I haven't done this in weeks, it's going to feel so fucking good." and he signaled Changbin to follow,"distract that bimbo of a nurse." and he walked off.

Changbin sighed as he glanced at the nurse that just stared off into space with a pink pencil in his mouth while Chan flirted with the cute receptionist at the front of the hospital. It was all going according to plan, until Hyunjin got caught by a male nurse.

"Sorry Ma'am-" And Seungmin grabbed Hyunjin's wrists,"what are you doing in these quarters? Only expectant families, babies, and staff are supposed to be here and- I am not woman, who are you to call me ma'am??" and he cut his eye at the taller.

"Well hello there, didn't think I'd find such a hottie in a hospital."

Minho huffed to himself as he crept around the dark parking lot, only shuffling every time another car drove out. His ears perked once he saw Mr. Min walking to his vehicle, grabbing his keys. Minho was about to take his chance until a certain blonde ran up with a stretcher.

Minho hit his back against the rock wall and his eyes trailed Jisung's body as he helped the patient out of the ambulance,"deep breathes sweetie, just in and out." and Jisung ran the stretcher back inside.
I just cashed my first paycheck and I feel really proud of myself.

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