I didn't mean it literally!

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Jisung sat up in his bed and he whined at the pounding in his head, "fuck."

Minho turned a corner and he smiled, "Sushi guess who's finally awake!"

The doctor glared at the other but then jumped in shock, "when did you get into my apartment? Wait how did I even get home!?"

The elder snorted, "you called me last night and you don't even have the decency to remember it at all?"

Jisung blushed and he looked down at himself, "w-what am I not remembering?"

Minho smirked and he got really close to the younger, "how about I remind you."

The blonde hit his head against the headboard in order to avoid Minho's gaze, "d-did we actually?"

The brunette snorted, "of course not." and he pointed to the kitchen, "lunch is ready whenever you decide to finally get out of bed."

Jisung widened his eyes, "LUNCH TIME? How long did I sleep for!?"

Minho glanced at his watch, "maybe like six hours? Almost seven?"

The blonde sprang up from bed, "ugh I have so many reports to do! I was supposed to meet with other doctors today!"

The elder snorted, "and I'm not letting you do any of it until you finally sit down and eat."

Jisung rushed into the shower to put on some work clothes and as soon as he was finished he met Minho at the kitchen. "Minho I'm so sorry about last night but I have to go to work! Those guys are like five billion years times my age and they already ridicule me enough I cannot be late."

Minho wrinkled his nose, "and? You're a respected doctor. You don't need their validation. They're just bitter you accomplished what you have now at such a young age."

The blonde quickly shook his head, "my father would be so angry if I didn't get to the meeting first or he'd be so angry to know I slept in for so long."

The elder stood up, "Jisung. Your father cannot control what you do for the rest of your life. You accomplished everything because you could do it. Your father didn't do any of that for you. Don't let him stress you out like this."

Jisung's eyes filled up with tears, "Minho please I'll make it up to you but I have to go or else I'll never hear the end of it."

Minho slowly nodded, "I didn't mean to upset you Jisung."

The doctor groaned, "let's put a pen in this conversation, I really need to leave." and he rushed out the door.

Jisung had barely made it to the meeting before all the other doctors headed in, "it's so like Jisung to be here first." and the other doctors laughed in return.

The blonde had chuckled in return and they talked about their mutual patients as the server filled their glasses, "have you guys heard of that one gang? They've been bringing in so many patients into my hospital! It's out of control!"

The other doctors hummed in agreement and Jisung furrowed his eyebrows in return. He never really had the moment to sit and think about Minho's actual job. He was up in the clouds whenever he was with Minho that he forgot he was such a violent person.

Jisung followed their conversations about the gang and how they had grown tired of tending to their patients with such severe injuries, "have any of their victims ever end up in your hospital?"

All eyes had turned to Jisung and the latter slowly shook his head, "why would they? Jisung is a private practitioner! He doesn't have to deal with those emergency cases like we do."

Jisung flinched at the comment but lowly laughed along with the other doctors in order to keep the room comfortable, "speaking of his private practice, have you decided if you're going to open up another location?"

The blonde bit his lip and sat his glass of water down, "for now I want to keep perfecting my craft before I open up another location. I haven't met any other doctors I'd want to welcome into my practice."

Everyone hummed in agreement because it was a perfectly rational answer, "if you have the time I was wondering if you'd allow my son to be your apprentice? He's interested in the field but he hasn't had any experience with a private practice."

Jisung smiled but he was screaming internally because he hated the others son. He was some snotty rich kid that thought he could find his way into Jisung's pants just because he thought he was one of his fathers nurses, "tell him to come by some time and I'll give him a little tour and we can decide from then."

The older man quickly nodded and they finished up their meeting until it was time for Jisung to return home, "so we can finally continue it?"

The doctor groaned once he realized he left Minho in his apartment, "yeah just give me a second." and he walked over to the table and sat down.

Minho smiled and he put out a plate in front of Jisung, "I know you've been pretty busy lately and it's been pretty difficult to court you because of it but I wanted to ask you something really important."

Jisung's eyes lit up at the food but he lightly nodded, "and that was?"

The brunette cleared his throat, "would you finally give in and let me be your boyfriend? It's driving me crazy that every other stunt I've pulled to court you has gone terrible wrong. Don't get me wrong I won't stop with the gestures but we already have something going on and I feel like we can already be at the stage of dating."

Jisung choked on his meal and he reached for his glass of water, "it's been one month since you've started courting me, I think you're just getting lazy."


The doctor cleared his throat, "don't get me wrong it was a good shot but I told you I'm not the easiest person for you to like. It's fine if you want to back out now."

Minho groaned, "Jisung it's hard for me to court you when you don't give me anything in return. I don't expect you to drop everything and marry me at this moment but you don't give me any insight of how you feel about me."

Jisung pursed his lips, "I think it's obvious about how I feel about you."

The older smiled, "and that is?"

Jisung whined, "if I told you will you stop whining about this?"

Minho quickly nodded, "yes please!"

The doctor sighed and he cleared his throat, "fine. I'll be your boyfriend."

The elder jumped up and grabbed the youngers face, "you won't regret this Jisung!"

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