I won't date a criminal!

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Jisung pov
I motioned to the window and pointed at the bus station,"I don't know what you want with me but get me out of here." and I tried opening the door.

"Cute doc, but seriously I won't hurt you or bite you..unless you like that stuff of course." and he winked.

I scoffed,"hilarious." and I huffed,"I don't mean to be rude or anything but like... why are you bothering me?"

"Ouch, bothering?" and his rough hands turned the steering wheel,"I wouldn't consider it bothering, I'd consider it pursuing."

I side eyed him,"what are you pursuing?" and I tapped my suitcase.

"You." and he cleared his throat,"I'm pretty sure it's obvious doctor, I've been coming around these past few days- even if you don't notice."

My face went pale after the brief confession but I chuckled,"you hardly know me, can you just leave me be? Don't you mafia guys get into arranged marriages or fall in love with some random person and have a Wattpad story?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm already having a Wattpad story, but with you Jisung." and his other hand slid into my lap,"and I'm pretty sure I'd show you a great time."

My eyes widened as his hand squeezed my thigh,"get your hand off of me!" and I slapped him away.

"Awww doc, your never getting rid of me."and he pulled off to the side,"isn't this your apartment? The one with the dark blue curtains?"

"T-thanks... but don't bother me anymore, I'm a very busy man." and I closed the door.

"I'll see you at eight, I wouldn't want to miss seeing my little doctor before work tomorrow. Who knows, I might need you." and he winked at me as he drove off.

I scoffed to myself and closed my apartment door,"his little doctor? What a laugh." and I opened the door and sighed,"I'm exhausted! But my house is a mess." and I threw myself on my couch.

Everyone may be wondering, how am I, a doctor not at the hospital 24/7, or why do I lock the doors of my hospital? Well, I'm an appointment only doctor.

I perform surgeries that are booked; I hardly take emergency cases unless it's urgent. Which is why my life is a real pain.

I've dealt with patients or the family members of my patients falling for me, it's apart of the job. Everyone thinks doctor and are swooned by the idea of it, until the realize I'm not home all of the time or that most of my time is in the hospital.

I don't date patients or their family, they get attached to me after a successful surgery and take me saving their life as something different. I'm young and well, successful.

It can get annoying whenever people try and purse me either at work or during interviews or award shows. I used to be a special guest on a health show but I had to temporary leave after one of the interviewers tried flirting with me.

It was very annoying, I've had bad experiences with love. Most of the time it was one sided and back in middle school, since my father said dating and anything other than books and studies were a waste.

Maybe he was right though, but maybe I do want to see if Lee Know would be different.

Not edited!
Also a filler chapter sorry, but I'll be posting more interesting chapters really soon!

𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐍 [𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆]Where stories live. Discover now