Please keep me close

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Jisung laid in his bed and just stared off into space. His bedroom was pretty dark so his eyes adjusted to the dark.

"Hey Doc." and the older leaned against the door frame,"is your head killing you?"

The blonde shook his head,"I'm alright. I've just been thinking."

Minho snorted,"about what?"

Jisung rolled on his side and sighed,"why do you bother being around me?"

The elder raised an eyebrow,"because I like you?"

The younger snorted,"you like me? How could you like me."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows,"where is this coming from?"

"Minho you know about my past. I'm just a big mess I don't understand why you keep acting like I'm something special when I'm the exact opposite."

The brunette made his way over to Jisungs bed and shook his head,"I'm not expecting you to be perfect Jisung. I like you because I like you."

Jisung nibbled on his bottom lip,"what's there to like about me?"

Minho frowned at the wariness in Jisungs voice,"you have so many likeable qualities Jisung. I really wish you could see yourself the way I do."

The younger cursed to himself,"well I wish you could see how much I hate you."

"Hate me? I don't think that's possible Jisung. I think you're just scared of letting me get close to you."

[an: this is getting a little too close to home yall]

Jisung snorted,"don't think you're all that. I do stupid things all of the time."

Minho sighed,"everytime I think we're going somewhere you just go three steps back."

The younger chuckled,"well. I'm not forcing you to be around me, you can leave."

The elder looked down at Jisung and frowned."please stop pushing me away."

Jisung gripped his comforter,"I'm not pushing you away."

Minho looked down at the bed and back up at Jisung,"then let me court you properly."

The doctor snorted,"court me? What is this? The 80's?"

The brunette smiled,"If you still think we won't work out once I'm done courting you, then I'll leave you alone."

Jisung smirked,"deal."

——- time lapse ——-

Well because of that bet, the doctor walked into his hospital one regular Monday to find flowers on his floor.

Jisung groaned once he saw the kids playing with the petals and he motioned some of his staff to clean the mess,"what the hell are these?"

Jeongin flashed a toothy grin,"flowers from your boyfriend." and he pointed at the plastered poem on the wall.

The doctor widened his eyes and he looked all around his hospital only to find every inch of the floor was covered in flowers,"Lee Know."

He trailed his way through the flowers and he got into an elevator,"my office better be in the neatest condition or I will riot."

Jisung carefully opened his door and was pleased to find no mess on the floor. He smirked and jumped once he heard a small voice,"hello?"

The blonde walked over to his desk and found a small plush on the desk,"hey doc."

The doctor widened his eyes and he picked up the toy,"you can talk?"

"No it's just me." and Minho laughed once he saw Jisung jump.

Jisung furrowed his eyebrows,"how did you get into my office?"

"Uh obviously through the front door."

𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐍 [𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆]Where stories live. Discover now