snobby rich kids are the worst!

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Jisung blushed at how affectionate Minho has been ever since he told him that they could be boyfriends.

The older always found some type of excuse to be by the blondes side, "Jisung what should we have for dinner tonight? You're looking a little too thin. I don't like how much overtime you've been putting in."

The doctor sighed, "I'm sorry. I wish I could work less but one of the doctors I work with is bringing his son to have an internship with me and I know I won't be able to get anything done while I help him."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows, "why did you decide to take on an intern?"

Jisung clenched his fists but kept his voice down, "please I don't want to talk about this stuff with you. I can't keep myself calm."

The older smirked, "I can handle you being mean to me Jisung, if you need to project on me be my guest."

The doctor shook his head, "please. I know you care about me and want me to relax and be all oh my god Lee know! Lee know please love me! Lee know take care of all my problems for me! But I can't accept that. My dad told me if I can't solve my own issues then I'm not working hard enough."

Minho frowned, "Jisung I'm not expecting you to stop being independent, I'm telling you that you can be vulnerable with me if you need to. I'm your boyfriend. I want to take care of you and it hurts me that you don't let yourself relax."

Jisung grew frustrated and shook his head, "I think I know how to take care of myself. I'm the doctor here."

The elder nodded, "I can see why you were trying to relax" and he kept eating the dinner he had made.

The blonde got up from the table and headed towards his room, "please excuse me."

Minho frowned and he decided to give the younger a little bit of space. Sushi had wandered into the dining room and Minho had told the cat to keep an eye on the younger for him, "make sure he gets some good rest." and the cat meowed back as if he was reassuring Minho that he would.

The elder stood up from the couch and slid on his shoes as he walked out of the apartment complex and greeted his friends, "long time no see." and Changbin sarcastically greeted the other.

"Shut up Changbin. Or else I'll cut back on your check."

Jisung woke up and he groaned as he dreaded meeting the intern, "this will be lots of fun." and he looked at the dinner that he left untouched and he closed his eyes in disappointment.

He knew it was a lot for Minho to deal with and he cursed at his parents for making it difficult for him to let people care about him and for not being able to be vulnerable with others.

Once he made his way to his hospital he noticed the black car pulling up to the front of his building and he quickly put on a fake smile, "good morning!

A boy his age exited the car and he looked down at Jisung [an: quite literally] with a smug smile on his face, "so this is the guy I'm working for?"

His father quickly nodded, "you'll learn great things from Dr. Han and then you'll be able to complete medial school and open up your own practice!"

Jisung smiled at the elder and when his fellow practitioner left he looked at the younger with annoyance, "if you can't keep up then you aren't ready for this field." and he unlocked his building and welcomed the other in.

The blue haired boy didn't know how to respond but he smirked once Jisung took off his trench coat and slipped on the white coat, "I had no idea doctors could be this sexy."

The blonde chuckled, "I'm your boss. It isn't appropriate for you to try and flirt with me."

"I'm Dan, it's nice to finally meet you." and his gaze lowered from Jisung's face and down to his legs.

The doctor sighed internally, "I'll give you a small tour of the hospital and then you'll watch from behind the scenes."

The pair walked in silence until Jisung formally introduced each floor to Dan with a bright smile on his face, "this is the nursery, the nurses with pink scrubs specialize with infants and are usually in charge of this department. This is Seungmin, he's the head nurse in his department."

The said male was holding a newborn and was giving the infant formula to drink, "nice to meet you. Don't contaminate this area with your clothing." and he quickly closed the door to the unit and Jisung continued the tour.

Dan cleared his throat, "he seems fun." and Jisung genuinely laughed at the joke.

They reached the prepping stations and Felix was busy helping other nurses prepare the consultation rooms for when Jisung had his meetings, "these are my life savers! These are nurses with lots of hands on experiences and are basically the ones that work behind the scenes to make the doctors look good." and several of the nurses playfully sent winks to the doctor.

Jisung pointed to their scrubs, "different departments have different assigned colored scrubs so if you end up needing their help they usually wear blue scrubs. Except for Felix because he prefers the pink scrubs."

Dan nodded and they made their way to the main floor, "and this is Jeongin! He's the one that keeps me organized and is the main reason why I haven't lost my mind."

The younger boy smiled brightly, "I'm his receptionist! And I usually work at the front counter so I can greet everyone!" and Dan found himself smiling at the infectious smile.

Jisung led Dan over to his office and showed him a calendar, "I don't have anything scheduled for today because I wanted you to learn about the background before you even step into the real thing." and he pulled out charts as well, "this is how much time you'll be dedicating to this job."

Dan widened his eyes, "you work this much?"

The blonde nodded, "when you become a doctor your life stops altogether. It's not just about you anymore, it's about your patients, their families, and your staff."

Dan tilted his head, "what about your life and your family?"

Jisung laughed, "oh sorry you were being serious." but he tilted his head, "I mean if you have some strong will and an understanding partner then you could have some type of strong relationship and family but a majority of the time it isn't the case."

Dan sat in silence for a bit and Jisung cleared his throat, "now that you know that, are you still willing on becoming a doctor?"

The blue haired male stared back at Jisung and for a few minutes he tried forming a sentence before he cleared his throat and nodded, "I'm ready."

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