Take care of your health, Doc!

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Jisung pov
"Howdy Jisung, you've been cooped up in here all night what you up to-" And Felix eyed the boxed lunch on my desk.

"Gimmie! You've made us stay four hours later, it's the least you can do." and he jumped in my spare chair.

I rolled my eyes,"fine." and I opened it and I felt myself drool a little.

"Woah." and Felix grabbed the chopsticks,"where'd you get this from? It's amazing."

Flustered, I hesitated but answered anyways,"Lee Know actually gave it to me." and I slapped Felix's arm when he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Let's call it a night shall we? It's basically almost morning and we do need some rest before we come back to work." and Felix jumped up and headed to tell everyone else.

I just packed my stuff up and threw out the little bit that was left. I threw off my coat and grabbed my non medical one and walked out of the hospital, locking it as I waved everyone bye.

I sat on the bus and slapped my cheek a little when I felt like sleeping, and walked towards my front door.

I grabbed my keys and walked in, taking off my shoes,"hey Jisung!"

Lee Know stood in front of me with Sushi in his arms and I smiled."hey." and I sat on the couch.

"Tough day today?" and he sat next to me.

I felt like we've known each other for years even though it's only been a few weeks, I felt so comfortable with him, or it could just be that I'm too exhausted that I didn't jump when he scooted closer.

"Exhausting day, thank you for the meal though." and I pointed to the bag by the door.

He chuckled,"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"What's this?" and he passed me the sticky note.

"Ughhh it's just Felix being a little brat, don't mind it." and he snatched it back and scoffed.

"You don't eat most days?" and he put the paper in front of my face.

"I'm busy, I don't get to prepare a meal always-"

He glared at me and glanced at my arms,"so you don't even eat all day? Look at how frail you are! You'll get even skinnier if you keep this up."

"I eat ramen when I have time-"

"Ramen??! This isn't some fantasy land like Naruto, you can't survive on ramen! Jisung when was the last time you ate something like what I gave you today?"

I ruffled my hair around,"maybe back when I was in Malaysia, my mom always prepared my lunch. I don't really know how to cook." and I slightly chuckled.

He gasped,"I knew there had to be one thing you couldn't do, well now that stops. If you're going to be my boyfriend, I'll prepare meals for you everyday-"

I jumped a little,"boyfriend? I barely know you."

He smirked,"but we've been getting along so well, it'll be no time until your mine, Jisung."

I'm literally so embarrassed:')
The girl I like walked with me into school today and she wrapped her arm with mine🙊🥰🥰
I was really happy today and honestly it was really sweet. I don't mean to brag but a cute girl wrapped her arm with mine.

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