minhos time to shine!

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[an: I want to actually apologize to yall. I'm very sorry for going MIA but istg I will be completing this book very soon IVE BEEN EDGING YALL FOR TOO LONG]

Minho smirked to himself as he walked back over to the car, "okay if we head over there right now then we won't be late."

The others agreed and Minho stared out the window as raindrops started falling down the window, "hyung, does Jisung know what you do for a living?"

Hyunjin turned to Minho with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile Chan was focusing on driving and Changbin was helping him navigate.

"I don't think so...and I don't plan on telling him anything."

Chan pursed his lips, "as your friend I don't think it's best to lie to your partner but as your employee it's probably for the best."

Changbin hummed in agreement meanwhile Hyunjin sighed, "so...we'll have to lie to the rest of them too? What does he think you do?"

Minho frowned for a second, "um. We actually haven't talked about it too much."

Everyone snapped their necks after Minho's response, "so he hasn't even questioned you on why we came all bloody to the hospital that one time?"

Minho shook his head, "no- but it's not like we have the time for that."

Hyunjin wrinkled his nose, "don't put that image in my head."

Changbin laughed and tried to dab up Minho, "my man-"

Minho scoffed, "not like that! I think we just find comfort in each other. I'll tell him more stuff about me eventually...just not now."

Chan parked the car near some fencing while Hyunjin and Changbin got out from the car, "if you get three then you're a loser, Hyunjin."

Minho also got out from the car and smirked as he held a blade in his hand, "and if you both get less than six then you're walking home."

Changbin laughed and Chan shook his head as he heard the sound of bullets fading.

Minho smiled to himself as he looked at the trail of men on the floor, "what was the point of everyone being outside? Is there really no money here?"

Changbin scoffed, "that's not the point Hyunjin!"

Both Hyunjin and Changbin started walking towards opposite sides of the mansion meanwhile Minho walked directly towards a concrete door, "so sorry about this." and he lunged himself against the door and smirked once he saw a small family huddled on the floor.

The older woman pleaded for her children's lives, "please don't hurt my children! I don't know why you're here!"

Minho squatted down so he was eye level to the woman, "I couldn't care less about you and your children I want to know where your husband is."

The woman shook her head, "I-i have no idea."

Yet the two children exchanged glances between Minho and the wall in front of them.

Minho smirked, "thank you kiddos." and he walked towards a blank wall, "if you care about your family you would come out here without force."

The brunette was angry at the fact he got no response, "I said if you care about your family then you would come out here now."

The children were begging for their dad to come out but their mother was trying to cover their mouths.

Minho grabbed the knife from his hand and pierced the wall with it, "don't make me repeat myself again."

Before Minho could pull another knife from his pocket a scrawny man came out from behind the wall, "d-don't hurt my family."

The brunette gripped the man's shoulder and pointed his knife hear the tip of his ear, "you don't deserve to have a family."

Changbin and Hyunjin came into the room once they realized there wasn't any other men standing guard, "is this him?"

Minho nodded, "take him now."

The woman pleaded with Minho, "where is my husband going?"

The brunette looked down at the wailing woman, "you'll thank me for what I'll do."

The children watched Minho leave and the brunette closed the door behind him.

He met the others in the car and he shoved his face into his hands, "drive."

Chan nodded and he drove them near a bridge.

Minho and Changbin exited the car and the brunette signaled Hyunjin to follow.

Hyunjin grabbed his gun and Changbin held the man by his ankles as the man pleaded for his life, "p-please don't kill me! Take my wife and children just spare me please!"

The brunette chuckled and pierced the tip of his knife into the man's leg, "you're a sad excuse of a man. Just tell me why you were involving yourself with those people."

The man shook his head, "our boss asked you a question. Now answer it."

Changbin let go of one of the man's ankles and sighed, "if you value your life you'll speak."

Minho was tired of hearing the man's wailing so he pulled him up from the bridge and threw his wet and bleeding body on the floor, "if you don't answer my question now I'll throw your body over the fucking bridge."

The man shook his head, "I-i just I- I don't know why I was helping them. They told me that sex trafficking makes a lot of money! I just did it for the money."

Minho looked down at the other, "you did a lot more than just that. Tell us where the rest of them are hiding and I promise to let you live."

Hyunjin made a face but Changbin nudged the other to keep him quiet.

The man smiled, "they're staying at the mansion at the end of this river! You'll find them there! Thank you G-"

Minho shot his gun directly into the man's forehead and he groaned when blood splattered all over him, "it's going to take ages to get the car clean AGAIN."

Changbin tossed the man's body over the bridge and they rushed over to the said mansion, repeating the process as before.

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