Successful Operation?

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3rd pov

Jisung cracks his neck and scoots the rolling chair over to the desktop," patient number? 39404759, treatment by the head doctor of Han Hospital of course, and patient name? Really hot guy with abs of steel." He rests his finger on the home row and glances back at the patient.
He frowns as he looks at the empty bed,"where did you go-" a hand cups his mouth and slowly Jisungs eyes roll to face the mysterious owner of the hand.
"A-and you are?"
The brown haired male slightly smirks," that isn't important right now, what really does bother me is the amount of scars that's going to be on my body after this." And the male glances down at his lower stomach.
The doctor is panicking at the fact his patient under a lot of anesthesia is talking to him," y-you should he resting... how- how are you awake?"
The man ruffles his hair back," no need for so many questions... Dr. Han." and his eyes meet the  blonde haired doctor.
The doctor blushes and points to the bed," off to bed-" but the doctor hits against the bed pole.
But the brown haired male grabs the doctors dainty wrist and moves his other hand around the doctors waist at catches him.
[an: yes that dramatic kdrama moment where the male lead catches the girl and she's in his arm and he's looking down at her]
The doctor glances up at the mans face, but the brunette pushes him into the bed," I'd love to stay and chat with such a hot doctor but I have business to take care of."
The doctor grabs the brunettes wrist," will you atleast tell me your name?"
The brunette sighs and smiles," Lee Know."
And the sound of dress shoes hit the hospital tiled floor.

𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐍 [𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆]Where stories live. Discover now