heya doc!

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Jisung slid off his scrubs and dressed himself back in his suit, mumbling to his nurses.
The young doctor felt humiliated and ungrateful.

"Hey Sung, how's it going?" and Min held out a spare energy drink,"there's a lot of paperwork tonight."

The blonde cracked a tight smile,"I heard, I can do them. You should head home."

Min pushed up his frames and shook his head,"if I'm going to open up my own hospital, I want some tips from you first."

Jisung looked up at his coworker and smiled a bit more genuinely,"alright, let's head to the nursery, we need a safety check." and as they dressed in the appropriate gear, they gathered around the small unit.

Min eyed the clipboard and did similar markings on his own,"what are we checking for?"

The doctor pointed to the back of the room,"we want to make sure the air filters are working properly, it wouldn't be good for the babies to inhale the air we usually inhale." and he grabbed some sheets,"this is how they're reacting, you can look over at this chart. Some babies are taking different formulas, let me know when you have questions."

"You're so cool! It's so hard to believe you're barely 23." and Min wrote down the statistics,"if the other ones are 12, does it mean that a four is bad?"

The blonde walked over and slid the board over,"hmmm, that isn't too good." and he wrote a small note,"I think we need to change his diet, he's dairy free, we'll need to find a better substitute."

They both walked out and headed down the main lobby,"well, we can go over more paperwork tomorrow night, I'll see you in the morning-"

"Jisung..would you like to-" And they both jumped at a car horn.

The doctor slid off the suit but walked out in scrubs,"I hope we won't need to operate, it's too late." and his cheeks burned once he recognized the black vehicle,"ah, I should go." and he tossed his scrubs in the bin.

Jisung had a well thought out plan and decided to walk out the back door to avoid Minho. There was no way he was going to approach the mafia member considering what happened this morning, there was no way.

He jumped once he locked the back doors,"uh hello?" and he flinched once he felt someone's hand on his waist,"e-excuse me?"

"I've been waiting twenty three minutes, let's go home!" and Jisung got dragged by the brunette.

Minho buckled himself up and smiled,"how was work?" and he chuckled at Jisungs awkward demeanor.

"Hmmmph. I could find my own way back home, I don't need your help."

The brunette shrugged,"if you say so." and didn't bother unlocking the car door,"if you can get out."

Jisung scoffed,"how can you even talk to me? I accused you of... you know, and you're acting like it's just fine!"

Minho chuckled," I think it's cute." and signaled to the other drivers he was going left,"let's just say you owe me, if I do something wrong..you'll have to forgive me."

Jisung cut his eye at Minho,"hmmm... as long as we don't ever bring this up again." and slowly relaxed,"why did you kidnap me?"

"Kidnap you? I wouldn't call it that, I think it's called trying to pursue someone." and he smiled,"where do you want to eat? You look really tired."

The doctor smiled,"is that a nice way in telling me I look bad today? I'm not hungry. I'm just tired, plus I need to watch Sushi."

Minho titled his head,"hmmm, I'll make something. Lets go and get some groceries." and he turned on the exit.

"Minho, it's fine." and he closed his eyes after hearing his stomach growl.

The elder chuckled,"that's what I thought, let's go and grab some stuff for the house."
There's going to be some cute stuff next chapter!

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