Mr. Han is in trouble

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3rd pov

Jisung stands frozen in place with his right hand by the lock of his hospital as he carefully makes eye contact with the owner of the gun.

"s-sir I'm sorry but please step away from my hospital, there is innocent people here- please innocent and sick people-"

The doctor groans as the gun smacks him against the head but the grunt of a man catches his attention.

The doctor quickly moves to the floor and pulls out his stethoscope and checks the wounded male, "he'll only live for one more hour if he keeps bleeding out like this, he needs to be opperated on quickly."

The man behind the gun shakes and holds onto the doctor, "please doctor.. please save him." and the voice of the man wavers.

The doctor orders the shaking man to carry the wounded male into the hospital, "is anyone else with you?"

The shaking man with the mole motions from the van outside to come into the building, "doctor will you be able to save him?"
[an: can you take a guess on who the man with the gun is?]

Jisung grabs a stretcher and runs the wounded male into a close by opperating room, "give me some space please!"

A blonde male quickly pushes back the other two men in the room, "we need to give the doctor space... nobody followed us here, don't worry." and the two other men readjust themselves.

Jisung carefully places the man onto the bed and he grabs an Iv and orders the strange men around him outside the room, "you can wait outside the room, no one is allowed in the opperating room besides the doctor and nurses."

The doctor panics but orders the handsome man to quiet down and relax, "sir I need you to stay calm, your blood pressure is rising but I can't have you do that if you want to survive." and the doctor grabs a mask by the IV strand and tries to put the man under anesthesia even though the man is barely conscious.

The doctor unbuttons the handsome mans shirt but after doing so the doctor notices multiple healed injuries all over the mans body. The doctor gasps but lowers his mask back down to operate on the gun wounds.

[an: caution to the graphic details ahead]

The doctor grabs a long pair of tweezers and pushes the tool into the first gun wound and he thankfully finds the bullet. The doctor pulls each individual bullet out of the mans wound but he can't help himself from checking the other wounds on the mans body.

The doctor grabs his scissors and cuts the bad stitching off the mans body and pushes his tool into the wound and to his surprise he finds even more bullets. After the doctor went through almost ten procedures on the man, he finally finishes and correctly stiches the wounds up and disinfects the wounds.

The doctor stares down at the mans face and he smiles as treats the wounds on the mans  face, "someone as handsome as you shouldn't be injured so much."

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