Notebook Drabble 15 pt 2

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Getting Edwyn to eat and drink was rather easy. Getting him to strip in front of Jayden was hard. Every muscle froze and the tall man looked more like a rabbit than a warrior. Jayden bit the inside of his cheek. He needed to be patient. It wasn't personal.

"Wynnie," Jayden said, using the nickname Tion used when he talked about Edwyn. Something soft and gentle to go with the firm and ironclad orders. He hated slave training. He hated how it reduced people to fearful reflections of their natures. Edwyn wasn't a fighter. Jayden knew that but watching him freeze in fear was not comfortable. "I need to see your bruises. You also need a shower. We are getting both things done together. Take your clothes off."

"Yes, sir," Edwyn said.

He undressed. A tear rolled down his face.

Jayden tried not to sign or look annoyed. Or like he was plotting how to castrate every guard working in the prison camp. None of those emotions would help right now with the skittish creature in front of him. The top went first, Edwyn's fingers trembling as they untied the complicated knot that made up the belt of his tunic. Tattoos covered Edwyn right bicep, the top half old and finished why the bottom half was clearly half complete. Both parts Jayden knew. The upper half was a crest of his clade. Tion wore the same tattoo. The bottom half would be his unit's badge.

Bruises covered his ribs, nasty purple marks blooming over like flowers. Lash marks littered his back, some fresh enough to be inflicted that morning. A handprint covered his left forearm. Someone had fun with Edwyn. Jayden ran his fingers over the tattoo, forcing his voice to be calm. Jayden didn't have tattoos. He did understand the importance behind them for Edwyn and indeed Tion.

"Are you talented enough to draw out the rest of the unfinished design?"

Edwyn nodded.

"We'll get it completed for you. Did they treat your injuries?" Jayden couldn't see any infections. The cuts looked clean. The fresh one's hadn't drawn blood. The ribs were more of a mystery but touching them without warning would send Edwyn into a panic.

Another nod.

Jayden took a deep breath. He walked over to the shower and put it on, letting the water turn warm. "Trousers and pants now," he ordered, keeping his eyes on the tiles. It would be easier, Jayden hoped if his eyes weren't on Edwyn for that. He needed to see regardless but some dignity was kinder than none at all. He was a doctor. He had seen what damages had been reaped on the prisoners. Tion would be furious if half of the typical damage had been dealt on his clademate. Tion had always been so very careful when Edwyn or his teammates were in their claws. Jayden should find out who the teammates had gone to. They would all appreciate knowing the others were safe.

He turned slower, broadcasting his movement as loud as he could without saying it out loud. Edwyn was naked, hands covering his more intimate parts. The bruises looked about the ones he expected. Nasty handprints on his hips and thighs. Lash marks curling around the backs of his legs. Why the guards liked presenting the slaves to their new marks already marked up was a mystery. Jayden moved over and kissed the man's cheek, cupped the back of Edwyn's head and holding him close to his shoulder.

"Does anything hurt? Do I need to look further as your doctor?"

"No, the damage was not bad enough to warrant that," Edwyn's face turned into his neck. His body trembled but he didn't fight the hold. Jayden prayed that gesture was a good thing."After the shower, I'd appreciate some bandages for my ribs but otherwise, no. I don't need any attention in that way."

"Ok," Jayden said. He let his fingers run over the bald head as if the hair was there before lifting Edwyn's face and looking him in the eyes. "I'll leave you to your shower. Enjoy it, Wynnie. Have it as hot or as cold as you want. There are some of Tion's clothes waiting for you on the cabinet and a towel for after. We will leave for my clinic in an hour. I'll check your progress in half of that. Got it?"

Blue eyes were conflicted but some relief was sinking into the man's tense body. "Yes, sir."

"Wynnie," Jayden hummed disapprovingly.

"Yes, Jayden," Edwyn flushed, cheeks hot from being scolded.

Embarrassed but the man wasn't scared. A good place to start for the moment. Jayden pressed another kiss to the cheek. Plans, he had plans and they needed Edwyn not to flinch at his touch. If he could get Edwyn used to his more innocent touches, the less innocent would come next. But that was a worry for later. Likely when Jayden told Edwyn they would be sleeping in the same bed. For the moment, he let his hand linger an extra moment before pulling away and letting the bathroom door click shut.

He took a few steps forward and let out a large exhale, stretching his arms above his head before rolling his shoulders and letting a more determined gait into his posture. Edwyn was here safe. He so far hadn't yelled, cursed or tried anything particularly stupid. It was only a matter of time, all slaves did but the first hour had gone well. Now for the rest of the day.

A leash was in the 'starter' pack. He put it to the side, in sight but not in reach. He was pretty sure he would need that. A whip was quickly put away, hidden above the kitchen cabinets where Edwyn was unlikely to stumble onto it by accident. If and when Edwyn did find it, Jayden would explain about it being a requirement of each slave house to have one. He had no intentions of using it. There were far more sensible ways to discipline people than whipping them, especially when they were already covered in welts from bad handling. A few other things were put away for safekeeping in case Edwyn did a 180 on his behaviour.

Ten years, they owned Edwyn for ten years. More if Edwyn did something to warrant it, less if they could prove Edwyn was not a danger to their society. If Edwyn did good work at the clinic with Jayden, they could get his contract released in maybe five years. A long time, especially for Edwyn.

Jayden sat at his desk and began answering some emails. He sent a few inquires about the teammates to contacts who would know and replied to some old friends with times about when they could get their own slaves checked over. It was almost fifty minutes later when he noticed he'd gone over. Cursing softly, he hurried over to the bathroom. The shower was no longer running. Edwyn was drying his hair, dressed in slightly too-big clothes and looking a great deal better than when the guards had handed him over.

"Time got away from me," Jayden scowled, moving over and ducking at the sink to pull out some fresh bandages. "Let's get your wrapped up, shall we?"

Edwyn lifted his arms and let him work. There was a grunt of pain but Jayden made calming noises. As quick as he could, Jaydan tended to the injuries. Finishing, he rubbed Edwyn's shoulder and pushed the shirt back down.

"We should find you some shoes," Jayden said, feeling distinctly unsure of himself.

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