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"Y/N-ah," I looked up when someone called me seeing Jisoo unnie with her popular smirk.

"Aish unnie! What is it again?!" I asked irritatedly.

"Treat me chicken skewers—"

"No! That's a big NO! I treated you yesterday already and you're about to eat a lot again that will dwindle all of my money so NO!" I shouted and crossed my arms.

She pouted and went beside me, doing some aegyo face with puppy eyes. I looked away and rolled my eyes. This sister of mine always knows what's my weakness.

"Please, Y/N. Chicken skewer~" she sang like an idiot.

I sighed deeply and shake my head while looking at her, dancing like a chicken head she is. I don't know why she has an addiction to chicken, she can even eat ten buckets of chicken in just one seat.

"Aish fine! Now stop singing!" I shouted and pouted. Jisoo unnie scooted to me and kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you, (Y/N/N)! Lezzgoo!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs.

Oh yeah, we're inside the house and it's already 10 PM but I and this chicken-head sister of mine are still not having our dinner.

"Unnie, wait!" I shouted but Jisoo unnie continue dragging me until we arrived at the nearest chicken store in our street.

As we entered inside, we are greeted by the smell of the delicious chicken, lingering in our nostrils.

Jisoo unnie decided to order while I sit at our table, waiting for her. I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes seeing how excited she is when it comes to chicken.

I pulled out my phone and played games while I'm waiting for the chicken.

When I got bored and turned off my phone, I unconsciously looked at the window seeing the dark alleyway and some trees, swaying because of the wind.

My lips created a small smile when a lot of stars and the shining bright moon caught my eyes. They are so beautiful.

When I'm about to look away, something strange shadow standing in the dark alley, its figure is facing me as I could feel her dark stares, sending shivers on my spine.

As I continued staring at it, I didn't notice that Jisoo unnie already arrived holding four buckets of chicken.

"Hey, Y/N!" I flinched when Jisoo unnie shouted.

"Let's go?" She nodded as we went out and headed back to our house. That silhouette of someone is still strange, I saw it because it's standing near the light post.

Who the fuck is that? Am I just hallucinating or...not?

Mina's POV

I smirked but I'm clenching my fist while looking at them, heading towards their house. I am still curious who the fuck is the woman to hold Y/N and dragged her like that?

Does she want me to kill her? I can do that easily.

I smirked to myself because I know Y/N saw me standing near the light post while I'm staring at her.

I got her attention hehe...

I squealed in my thoughts while I'm heading back to my place. This is a good night for me because before I sleep, I saw my one and only angel and she stared at me too.

She's curious about me. I'm so glad...

I danced like a happy kid while I'm walking through the dark alley. I am just happy so why not dance like an idiot which I rarely do?

"Looks like I will be having a good meal tonight." I stopped and slowly turned around seeing a drunk man walking towards me while holding a bottle of soju.

"Go now if you don't want to die." I threatened while smirking, slowly pulling out my pocket knife.

"You're just a girl, you can't fight me— aurgh!" He groaned when I stabbed him in the chest.

Blood splurt out that stained my shirt and my hand. He spits blood as I laugh and stab him again but this time, it's on the forehead.

"Die bitch! You don't deserve to live!" I shouted psychotically and pulled out the knife on his forehead that splurts more blood.

I run away, heading towards the nearest river, and throw there my knife. I looked at my bloody hand and wash it there.

While I'm washing my hands, my lips create a wide grin when I remember my darling's gorgeous face. Those lips look so delicious, oh fuck I can't wait to ravish them.

"You're just mine Y/N-ah... You're just mine..."

* * *

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