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Mina's POV

"I saw someone strolling outside, looking for the name Kim Y/N. He was in a black outfit and I could feel a bad demeanor on him. You should be careful and take care of your girl. We don't know... people might have interest in her."

A guy with an all-black outfit was strolling outside, looking for the name of my Y/N. I didn't know that? I should've killed him already but I didn't even see him.


But I need to protect Y/N. She can't be abducted by some assholes up there, not when she's with me.

"Mina-ssi? You called for me?" I looked up to see her fidgeting her fingers while looking down.

I smiled, she look cute as always.

"I wanna discuss something with you. Please have a seat."

She sat down in front of me, still not meeting my eyes. She's acting weird, to be honest, and it's bothering me.

"What is it, Mina-ssi?"

I took a deep breath and stared at her. I thought my silence will catch her attention but she remained her eyes down on the floor.

"I want you to live with me."

3rd Person's POV

"I wanna get her already! Fuck, I've been waiting for my whole life to be with her!" They shouted, fist-clenching madly.

"Be patient, dongsaeng. You'll get her soon—"

"But I want her now! As in now! That Japanese already made her move while I'm still stuck in this hell hole!" IU sighed and massaged her temples.

Her sibling should practice holding their anger issues. The poor girl they love.

"Look, I want you to calm down for me, okay? I'll help you to get her if you want." IU offered.


"Yeah. Just give me her details and I'll bring her here." They laughed psychotically and vigorously nodded.

"You don't have to ask, noona. I'll give it."

Mina's POV

"Why do I need to live with you? It's ridiculous!"

I sighed and hold her hand, "I just want you to be safe."

"I am safe!"

I grabbed her hand, intertwining it with mine. I smiled because our hands looks perfect for each other.

"Someone was strolling outside and looking for you. He was wearing all black clothes. Someone saw him and told me that's why I want you to live with me for a while."

Well not for a while because my Y/N will live with me forever.

"Someone was... looking out for me? Why?" She looked at me.

"We still don't know but I assume he isn't a good person. I just wanna keep you safe, Y/N-ah. That's all I want."

She sighed, taking her hand away from my grasp and burying her face in her palms.

"How would I be sure that I'm safe with you?" I heard her mumble.

I stood up from my swivel chair, approached her, and went from her behind. I place my hand on her shoulder and lean on her ear.

"You're safe with me, Y/N. I can prove you that once you live with me."

* * *

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