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- sipag ko today uwu!

- sipag ko today uwu!

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3rd Person's POV

"Prepare those things I will use to get her. Make sure it's clean, you assholes. I don't want to taint her lovely skin with those dirty things."

"Copy, boss. Please don't forget our deal—"

"Yeah, yeah, I won't. Million won is a deal so you better do your job or I will hunt you and kill you with my bare hands, understood?"

"Understood, boss." With that, they ended the call and throw the phone on the couch.

They placed their feet on the table with their hands behind their head. They are planning to adopt the love of their life and if they can't get her in soft way, they will abduct her.

"Just wait for me, honey. Don't let that bitch get your first because that is just for mine and mine only." They get a glass of whiskey and chug it straight.

"Once she touch you, I'll kill her and punish you badly."

Mina's POV

I walked at the hallway with a big smile on my lips. I had a great night since I am with my Y/N and we did a lot of things that just blew my mind off.

It was great holding her with my arms. We slept together so I had a great sleep. Her body was warm and it kept me safe and warm last night.

I love her so much.

"Oohhh... what makes you smile like that huh?"

I was stopped from my daydreaming when this bunny blocked my way with her teasing smile. I huffed and ignored her, walking passed by at her but she followed me from behind and repeatedly poked my shoulder.

"Yah! Don't ignore me, penguin! Who made you smile like that huh? What, do you have a girlfriend? Did you and Chaeyoung get back?"

I stopped and turned around, "Chaeyoung and I broke up a long time ago, unnie."

"Then who made you smile like you're in heaven?" She asked, I slightly smiled.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out." I winked before walking away, leaving her at the hallway with her mouth agape.

No one should know about my Y/N. I cannot trust anyone even those best friends of mine because they might steal her away from me.

No, they can't.

Because I will kill them before they do.

Y/N is just mine.

And mine alone.


"H-hi, Y/N."

He's here again. Hwang Hyunjin who keeps tailing me around and keeps giving me a bouquet of red roses. They are gorgeous honestly so I took some of them but when he started to give me a lot, I started to refuse them.

"Good morning, Hyunjin. Look, you don't have to give me a bouquet of flowers every day. It will just waste your money and your time." I uttered while looking at the bouquet he's holding.

He turned his face and muttered something I didn't hear before looking at me with a wide, somewhat creepy smile.

"Oh, okay! But giving you flowers doesn't waste my money and time at all. But if you don't want them anymore, I'll try to do something better."

"No, you don't need to."

I turned around to see Mina who's glaring at Hyunjin with her teeth gritting in annoyance.

"M-Mina-ssi?" I called, making her turn to me.

She gave me a soft smile, approaching me and wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me close to her before averting her gaze to Hyunjin who's now glaring at her back.

"Y/N doesn't need something from you. Now go if you don't want me to tell you to our dean." She coldly said.

Hyunjin just sighed before looking at me, "see you again, (Y/N/N)." He bid his goodbye before running away for I don't know where he goes.

"I told you that you're just mine, didn't I?" I heard Mina whispered on my ear.

I swallowed thickly and nodded, "yeah...?"

She went in front of me and cupped my cheeks, pressing her lips against mine for a quick kiss before pulling them away.

"Remember this my love, you are just mine and mine alone. Now once I see you talking to him or to anyone who seems to like you... oh, you will get it, Y/N..."

Her eyes intently stared at me, "you will get it."

* * *

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