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All I could see is darkness but I could notice a woman's figure, standing in front of me while holding something.

"Who... who are you?" I asked in nervousness, hearing her darkly chuckle as I felt a soft thing being pressed on my neck.

"A-answer me!"

"Shh..." She shushed, putting her index finger on my lips as the soft thing trailed up on my neck, upon my jaws until it landed on the side of my lips.

"You are mine. You are mine. YOU ARE MINE—"

"Ah!" I screamed, panting heavily as I look around, seeing that I am still in my room.

It's just a nightmare... I thought, clutching my hair and looking at the clock. Three o'clock in the morning, it's still early and the sun is not up yet obviously.

"What a nightmare!" I breathed out, laying down on my bed, and stared at the ceiling.

My heart is still beating rapidly, sweats on my temple as well on my forehead. That nightmare was strange, why would I dream about a girl? Who is she and why did she own me?

Questions and questions wandered into my mind as I did not notice that the sun is slowly rising. The surroundings are blue... perhaps, because of the blue sky but it's beautiful.

I love the color blue.

"Good morning, self." I murmured, chuckling to myself as I prepared myself and went downstairs since I am not sleepy anymore.

I don't know what to do since it's still early so perhaps I am just gonna eat as usual. I grabbed the chocolate cereals, grabbed the milk from the fridge, and also grabbed a small bowl.

I put the cereals in the bowl before putting the milk since I love how the chocolate will be mixed when I finished the cereals. I grabbed the bowl full of cereals, went back to my room, and sat on my bed.

I'm still lazy to do anything since it's just six in the morning. People were probably still asleep and some of them were awake already but never mind, I just want to enjoy my cereals.

What a weird day...

Mina's POV

"Good morning, boss. You're early today." Mr. Lee greeted me as he followed me to my office.

"Did someone have a crush on Y/N again? Do I need to kill someone?" He shakes his head which makes me sigh in relief.

Thank God Jihyo, they stopped liking what's mine. I swear, I will kill everyone who touch what's mine.

"Ms. Myoui, you're near breaking the pen." I dropped the pen on the table, sighing deeply as my nose flared in annoyance. "

"Yeah, I know. Just remembered something,"

"Oh, I remember, you have school, today boss. Also, you will meet Miss Y/N once again because lucky for you, she will be your new secretary—"

"Are you bloody serious?!" I asked in excitement, seeing him vigorously nod.

"I am hundred percent sure, Ms. Myoui." I flashed a smile, a bright smile as I imagine what will I do to my new secretary.

Perhaps I need to build a room just for us and then fuck her there. Or maybe, I can just fuck her in my office. So many choices but I heard that Y/N likes someone who's being romantic to her, so I needed to be like that.

I needed to look innocent, gentle then when she finally accepted me, I can fuck her senselessly.

Pretty good in my ears. Just seeing those breasts and those pink flesh that makes me want to devour it every day is just making me crave for her more.

After that night, I can't control myself anymore. I want to taste her again, feeling those breasts in my hands, sucking and licking her clit.

It's making me. Fucking. Horny!

* * *

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