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- I would never fall unless it's you I fall into~


Mina's POV

I cried and cried.

I don't know where she is. I don't know if she's eating—if she's sleeping—if she's still alive. I tried to find her everywhere but that woman is hiding her from me, from us.

"Mina, you need to eat. Please, don't punish yourself like this." Her father worriedly said but Mina ignored him.

"Is there any news about her, father?" Mina asked without looking at him.

Her father sighed in despair and shook his head. "Unfortunately, none. Our team is trying their best to find her—"

"I don't want them just trying, father. I want them to do their best!" Mina emphasized, teeth gritting in madness.

He approached his daughter and sat beside her. Akira does care about his daughter. He wants the best for her. He can even kill for his daughter and he pities her situation right now.

"Calm down, dear. We're doing our best to find your lover so calm down first and let us do our job." He uttered calmly, he doesn't want to trigger his daughter knowing what she's capable to do.

Mina bit her lower lip before bursting into tears again. She buried her face into her father's chest and sobbed quietly.

"I don't know what to do anymore, father." Her muffled sobs echo in her room while her father is stroking her back.

"Shh... trust me, dear, everything will be okay. Everything will be just fine..."

Suddenly, a knock can be heard in Mina's room. Akira stood up and opened the door, revealing one of the hackers he hired.

"Marcus? What is it?"

"Good news, sir. We found them."

3rd Person's POV

"You... you wrote a poem?" Ji-Eun slowly sat down on the couch while holding a piece of paper containing the poem Y/N wrote for her.

Tears started to stream on Ji-Eun's cheek. Her hands are trembling, her lips are quivering, and most likely, her heart is breaking.

"I thought... you wouldn't gonna..."

"I wrote this poem as a goodbye, Ji-Eun. You told me you'll let me go if I write a poem." Y/N said plainly.

Ji-Eun looked up at her with tears on her cheeks. Her heart is breaking into pieces. She hoped that Y/N wouldn't gonna write a poem but she still did.

She doesn't love her anymore.

"Will you... will you read it for me?" Ji-Eun asked with a hushed tone, looking down as she gives her the paper.

Y/N bit her lower lip and sighed.

Let Me go

How selfish I am to ask you
to let me go
How cruel I am to reject your love
once again
You can hate me
You can hurt me
You can kill me
I'm already gone anyway

How cruel this world is,
It doesn't deserve you
How cruel I am,
I don't deserve you

So please,
please, let me go
Let me go and continue your
life without me
Let me go and love yourself
this time
'Cause I know I won't gonna
do it anymore
I don't... love you anymore

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