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3rd Person's POV

"Mina! Have mercy, please!"

The girl cried while trying to remove the chain on her wrists. Mina caught her inside the club, making out with a woman so the Japanese immediately dragged her out and let her men beat her up first before taking her to the underground.

"Please... If you were just jealous about her, she was just nothing—"

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous about your cheap hoes? Plus, I don't think I will be jealous at you because hello, who are you anyway?" Chaeyoung scoffed at Mina's rude response before pulling her tied hands again making the metal chain creates a loud sound.

"Why can't you just accept my love towards you? I love you so much and I can do everything for you!" Chaeyoung shouted, bursting into tears while Mina just stared at her blankly.

"Well, let me answer that with these. I don't need your love because I can get them from Y/N and for the second question, I don't fucking care if you can do everything for me. If you want to, just die."

(little bit harsh Minariii)

"We're done, Ms. Myoui. We threw her body to the near river and clean so no evidence." The two big looking men stated, bowing their heads for respect.

Mina just nodded before giving then an envelope full of money as their payment. The men's eyes sparkled when they saw a lot of cash inside.

"$500,000. Like what our deal is." The two men just nodded before leaving the Japanese.

"Finally! No one can pester our love story, Y/N-ah. No one can and if someone dares to. I will never hesitate to slit their throats one by one." She mumbled on the air, smirking like a complete psycho as her eyes averted on the pictures of the girl plastered on the wall of her office.

"I will make you mine. Just wait."

"She's here, Ms. President." Mina just nodded as the door opened, revealing the girl she's been thinking 24/7.

"You may go, Avril." The girl named Avril, smiled charmingly before walking out, leaving the two girls inside the Council office.

"Uh... why did you call me?" Y/N confusingly asked, not noticing the small smirk on Mina's pinkish lips.

"Well, I want to discuss something." The Japanese got up from her seat, her heals creating a sound on the floor as she slowly approached the now nervous Y/N who can't look at her straight in the eyes. (Like, who can right?)

Mina walked around her, with her fingertips brushing on Y/N's shoulder, making her tense on the acts of the Japanese.

"M-Ms. Myoui..."

"Who is he?" Mina whispered on Y/N's ear.


"Yeah, the one who keeps tailing you around like a dog. Who the fuck is he?" Her harsh tone adding the shivers that Y/N is feeling right now, adding the nails digging on her shoulder making her knees buck up in anxiousness.

"He told me that... he likes me. I don't know him." Y/N answered, biting her lips while Mina smiled in please.

"Good, 'cause I don't want anyone near you. I will kill them if they approach you—"

"What are you even saying?" Y/N cut her off.

"Why do you keep threatening those people who wants to befriend me? They are no harm plus, it's not your business—ahh!" Mina pulled her body close, walking as Y/N felt her back hit the table. Mina grabbed her thighs, wrapping them on hers as she sat her on the table.

Her eyes staring at Y/N intently, teeth gritting in annoyance as her hand went to grab Y/N's jaws in a snap but making sure that it won't hurt her.

"You. Are. My. Business. The moment we met, the moment I saw you, the moment I touched you, you are now my business, understood?" There is no response so she slightly tighten the grip, making her squeak slightly.

"Y-yes..." Mina smirked in satisfaction before mindlessly slamming her lips on Y/N's.

Mina pulled her body close, placing her hand on Y/N's back to hold her still. Mina is moving her lips but Y/N isn't, so she slightly bite her bottom lip, squeezing her thigh for Y/N to respond.

"Kiss me back, love. Don't be shy." Mina whispered between their lips before reconnecting it, smiling when she felt another lips moving in perfect sync with hers.

This is complete heaven... I will mark her soon so that people will know who owns her... Mina thought while caressing her sides.

As the two mindlessly kissed inside the Council office, a pair of eyes intently watching them from a far with a smirk on their lips.

"Go on, Mina. Enjoy her while you can because once I enter her life, she will be mine forever. And I will take her from you."

* * *

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