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3rd Person's POV

"Mina-ssi, where are we going?" The clueless girl asked as the Japanese dragged her to the bed.

"I want you to sit down on the bed." Mina ordered, Y/N sat down on the bed while still looking at her.

The Japanese released a satisfied smile. It's good that Y/N is obeying her.

"Now, please close your eyes." Y/N took a deep breath before closing her eyes.

Mina, on the other side, grabbed something from her pocket and pick the water tumbler from Y/N's table. She knows it has water in it so she pours the white liquid thing into the water and gently shakes it.

With a playful smirk, she approached Y/N and hold her hand.

"Now, open your eyes for me, my love." She whispered in her ear.

Y/N fluttered her eyes open, confused why the Japanese is holding her water tumbler.

"Uh... Mina-ssi, why are you holding my tumbler?" Y/N asked while still looking at the tumbler.

Mina raised her eyebrows and smiled, "well, I came of thought that you might be tired earlier. You know, I never see you drink water so you need to stay hydrated." Mina reasoned out, hiding her smirk when Y/N seems to believe her.

"Here, drink it. Make sure to finish... it... all..." there's a long pause in Mina's sentence which Y/N found weird. Nonetheless, she grabbed her water tumbler and opened the cup, drinking all the water inside.

"It tastes weird," Y/N commented, Mina innocently shrugged.

"It's just water." Y/N looked at her first before placing the empty water tumbler on the side table.

Mina is just staring at her, waiting for the liquid she put to effect. It has to be 5 minutes before that thing to effect.

"So Mina-ssi, what you've said earlier, what do you mean by that?" Y/N asked, Mina, hummed and sat beside her.

"Well, I was kind of thinking about it ever since. I uhm I just wanna try it with you." Mina whispered and looked down but there's a smirk on her lips.

"Oh." The only thing Y/N have said and nodded repeatedly.

Mina looked at her watch, seeing it's been past 5 minutes. She looked at Y/N, seeing her cheeks are red and she keeps biting her lips.

Oh, it's working... Mina thought.

"Are you ok, (Y/N/N)?" Mina whispered in her ear and purposely blow it, seeing the girl shiver.

"I... I feel hot." Y/N is now breathing hard. She's clenching her fist so hard and her cheeks are now super red.

Mina smirked, softly grabbing the girl's chin making Y/N look at her. Y/N can't look at her straightly and she still biting her lips.

"I can help you with that, you know." To Y/N's ear, Mina is something she cannot resist.

It's like she's wrapped in chains and can't move. Her head is the only part she can move.

"Please..." Y/N breathlessly uttered.

Mina's smirk widens, she gently pushes Y/N on the bed and hovers on top of her. Y/N is still breathing heavily so Mina claimed her reddish lips since she's been biting them hard.

"Hmm..." they both moaned, Y/N's hand went on Mina's thin waist while the Japanese cupped her cheeks, pushing their body more.

Mina bit her lips, making the girl whimper as Mina entered her tongue inside her mouth. Their tongue clashed, making them both moan.

Y/N is a bit feeling better but there's still hotness inside her that wants to go out. Yup, in short, she's still horny.

"Mina-ssi... I can't handle it anymore... it's too hot..." Y/N said between their kiss.

Mina smirked, she love how Y/N is too needy for her touch.

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of you." She whispered and slowly unbutton her uniform.

Y/N is just looking at her who has fully unbuttoned her uniform. Mina throw the uniform on the ground and looked at Y/N's body.

"You got abs." Mina let her hand touch the abs that Y/N has.

They are hard... Mina thought while hungrily looking at Y/N's body.

"Please, touch me." Mina looked surprised when she heard what Y/N have said.

"Touch you where?"

"Touch me everywhere, please. It's so hot..." Y/N breathlessly uttered, eyes tightly closed while she's biting her lower lips.

Mina smiled and cupped her cheeks, "with pleasure, Y/N."


"Ah! That hurts..." Y/N whimpered when Mina suddenly entered a finger inside her.

They are now both bare-naked. Mina is on top of Y/N who's moaning underneath her.

"Take a deep breath, love. It'll be ok. Let me pleasure you." Mina whispered before slightly pushing her finger inside.

"Ah..." Y/N groaned, her teeth clamped on the bottom of her lips. "Keep going please..."

Mina nodded and entered her finger inside. She slightly moves it, waiting for the girl to be comfortable.

The slow pace a while ago became steady, until it became fast. She entered her two finger inside her, looking at Y/N's face to see her reaction.

"Keep going please... don't stop, Mina-ssi..." Mina nodded and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Remember this, my love, you are just mine. No one can own you like I do because you're mine, understand?"

Y/N who's moaning bobbed her head repeatedly. Mina released a satisfied grin and whispered, "good girl. Now come for me."

Y/N muttered a lot of profanities under her breath. She's hardly biting her lower lips and clenching the bed sheet so hard. She could feel the unfamiliar feeling in her stomach.

It's like something wants to leave her body.

She's like a volcano that's about to erupt. (Remembering Dickinson huhu)

"Mina-ssi, there's something--"

"Release it, Y/N. I got you, love, don't worry." Mina whispered before claiming her lips once again.

"Hmm... hmm!" Y/N let out a loud moan before the Japanese felt something wet come out from her.

I made her come... Mina said into her mind and smirk.

Y/N passed out. That's the side-effect of the liquid thingy which Mina already expected.

Mina pulled out her fingers, looking at the white substance on her fingers.

Looking at Y/N who's sleeping peacefully, she entered her fingers inside her mouth, tasting the liquid the girl she love released a while ago.

"Hmm..." she moaned in delight when the sweet taste hit her tongue.

She sipped her fingers before pulling them out with a weird pop sound. A smirk made a way on her lips as she place a little peck on Y/N's lips.

"Finally, love, I got your first. I can own you now. You're just mine." She brushes the strands of hair that's blocking the face of the sleeping girl.

"You're just mine..."

* * *


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