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- "In this world, you have to make sacrifices. Either for yourself, or for your love ones."

- ( this book is about to end, aackk )


The only word you can describe me right now is pure confusion. I don't know how and why the hell did she abducted me again and keeps telling me to fulfill a "promise" thing for her.

I can't even remember anything! We just met and then she'd tell me I promised her? The hell was that?!

"Where are we, Ji-Eun?" I asked while looking around the empty park where we at. She dragged me here and I couldn't do anything.

The park where we are right now is a bit depressing. The leaves of the trees are somewhat black—dead rather. It is empty here as well with the cold breeze hitting our skin.

"This is where we met. When you helped me to continue living." She looked at me with a genuine smile.

"W-what do you mean? We never met—"

"I was sitting here in this bench when you came to cover me with your little umbrella because it was raining that time. I was ignoring you but you kept talking... and talking until I... I felt this strange feeling of wanting to be on your side all the time." A tear left her eye.

"You don't know how much you mean to me, Y/N-ah. I wasn't meant to be an evil—I wasn't meant to be a villain in your life. I was just... I felt so, so betrayed." She sobbed on my chest.

"I... I couldn't handle the pain they gave me. I couldn't handle the pain that time but when you came..." she looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"When you came, I never felt so alive. I never felt so loved. I even swear that I would never fall in love again if it's not you. You own me, baby. I'm just yours." She lifts her hand up on my cheek and stroke it with the pad of her thumb.

I hold her hand on my cheek that made her close her eyes. I didn't know that behind her evil acts, she's like an innocent angel who's life got taken.

An innocent angel I loved once.

"Don't leave me..." she murmured, "don't leave me again, love. I can't handle losing you once again... so please, please just this once... don't disappear like a thin air and stay with me."

Tears keep streaming on her cheek as she bite her lips, preventing herself from sobbing. I can feel a pain in my chest. She doesn't deserve all of this.

"But I... I don't love you, Ji-Eun." I uttered.

She pulled herself away from me and took something from her pocket. It was a folded, piece of paper. She unfolded it and wiped her cheeks.

"You made me this poem several years ago. Let me read it for you."


If I could define love,
I would certainly just simply say your name.
If I could tell the world what it feels like,
I would say it was magically alike.
I would say that it sometimes hurt,
but it shows me my worth.

If I could define love,
I would say happiness.
If they ask me why,
I would simply say "the world is cruel
that's why."
It would confuse them, might to add.
But I know you'll understand.

The world has been cruel to us, love.
The world doesn't want us to collide.
The destiny played well,
I'm proud.
She played us well you know how?
'Cause even the sun and moon envies
how the destiny crossed our paths.

So, if I could define love,
I would certainly just simply say you.
Because you showed me,
what true love is.
You showed me,
what true love gives.

Love gave me you.

"You heard it, love? It was you who wrote that for me. You gave your poem to me in my birthday and it was the greatest thing I ever received." She said with delightful tone.

I took a deep sigh, "it was a long time ago. I-I can't even remember it—"

"Write me a poem." She cut me off with a request.


"Write me a poem... containing words that will hurt me. Write me a poem... saying that you don't love me anymore. If you do, I will accept my defeat."

"What the--"

"You once told me that you'll never gonna write a poem if you're gonna leave me. So now, write a poem if you don't love me anymore."

I sighed once again. This "past" between us is confusing me so bad. I can't remember things and unfortunately, my parents didn't tell me these.

"What if I couldn't write a poem?"

"Then I'll pursue you. You might love Mina for now, but I will make sure that you'll come home to me. You'll gonna come back to me again."

* * *

( damn writing a poem is hard kaya penge ngang marunong mag-sulat ng poem d'yan? Pahiram forever hahahaha )

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