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- "you can't escape me, mark my words. You can't."


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"Let me go! Help! Someone help me!" I just smirked and shake my head.

He can shout whenever he wanted. No one can hear him anyway. We're here in the basement where my parents got killed. You might be wondering who killed them.

Haha, it's me.

"Let me go, noona! Why are you doing this to me?! Why?!" He cried in pain.

I kneeled on his level and caresses her cheek. I have no choice. I could feel his desire to get the girl I wanted and he might kill me.

So might as well, kill him first before I kill the Japanese woman with my Y/N.

(Sakit talaga pag di ka fav ni Rold.)

"Noona... it hurts. Why are you hurting me? What did I do wrong?" He cried, I looked at him with pity before chuckling.

Until now, he still acts well. Well, that's why our parents always side with him before, it is because he always acts as if he's the victim.

"Cut the act, Jungkook. I am not our parents who believe this stupid act of yours." I spat harshly.

His sad, agony face turned into what he is. There's a sly smirk on his lips, his eyes looked at me with playfulness before he aggressively moved his tied hands.

He is a monster.

"Let me go, IU! Let me fucking go or else I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled, eyes glaring at me with madness.

"Why would I? You've said yourself, you'll kill me. So why stress myself when I can kill you immediately." I uttered with a smile.

He hissed and rolled his eyes, "I know you can't. You don't want your hands to get dirty by blood!"

I smirked, "that was before. You don't know me anymore, Kookie. I am no longer the person who always obeys your words."

He looked at me full of amusement. He didn't expect what I said. Well, he always thinks that I would be his kind sister who's always gonna obey him.


"What makes you... change like that?" I chuckled dryly.

"Simple. I want Y/N by myself. Not you, not Mina, and lastly, not everyone else.



"The sun is gorgeous." I broke the silence.

We're here at Mina's private island. Yup, she has her private island, private jet, private lands, and also, private underground things.

How did I know?

Well, she told me about it earlier. She also told me that she want to be honest about her lifestyle.

I also found out that her parents own various companies in Japan. Restaurants, hotels, casinos, businesses, name it. Now it makes me think that she can buy me in just a snap. She's richer than me, that's for sure.

"Thinking about something?" I felt her arms wrapping around my waist.

I smiled when I smell her Vanilla perfume, she smells so good. Her skin is also soft, which makes me want to touch it all the time.

"Why are we here, Mina-ssi?" I asked in a hushed tone.

She made me look at her as she cupped my cheeks and kissed me on my forehead. Who wouldn't fall for her if she's sweet like this?

Probably not me. (Me, neither.)

"I want to give you vacation for a bit. Let's enjoy our moments here." She smiled sweetly before dragging me to the nearest tree.

She's giggling and I found myself loving the sound of it. Her gummy smile is showing and it looks so beautiful.

We sat down under the tree, she pats her lap, signaling me to lay my head on it. I smiled and did what she told me. I lay my head on her lap as she automatically brushes my hair with her fingers.

I closed my eyes and let her do what she wants. After all, it feels comfortable whenever she comb my hair with her fingers delicately.


"Hmm?" I hummed, still, eyes closed.

"What do you think of living with me forever?" I opened my eyes and looked at her confusingly.

The sun is hitting her face, making her porcelain skin glow. She looks like an angel.

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged, "I just thought that... maybe we can live together so I can protect you and express my love for you. You know... easy access for the both of us." She smiled.

I made a tight-lipped smile and nodded. I won't gonna deny that she has a point.

"I wasn't forcing you, (Y/N/N). I just thought about that earlier—"

"Shh..." I hushed her with my index finger. "It's fine, Mina-ssi. Let me think about it, okay? For now, let's enjoy our time together."

Her face lit up a bit and nodded before kissing me on a cheek.

I never know that the cold, snob president of our school could be this sweet and clingy. This is her side that she never shows to anyone.

And I am lucky because she's showing it to me.

* * *

Naol talaga punyeta.

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