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3rd Person's POV

"My body hurts... what the hell happened?" Y/N who just woke up, mumbled as she looked around her room.

She can't remember what happened yesterday and worse, she doesn't know why her body hurts too much especially her lower part.

"Let's sleep more, Y/N-ah. It's too early." She looked beside her to see the gorgeous face of the Japanese which is the student's president at their school.

"M-Mina-ssi? What happened yesterday?" She asked in a quiet tone, earning a low hum from the Japanese.

"You forgot already?" She chuckled, her deep voice sending shivers through Y/N's spine.

"I... I don't know what happened. My body hurts so much—"

"We made love, Y/N-ah." Mina opened her eyes, smirking as her eyes wandered on Y/N's neck that has love marks she made last night.

"W-what do you mean? We... something happened?" Mina hummed.  "Yeah, and we enjoyed it very much." She said and smiled playfully.

Y/N is shocked. How come she couldn't remember what happened yesterday? How come she couldn't remember doing naughty stuff with Mina? And why does Mina looks so hot with her smirk? (Ok question ko na 'yan hehe)

"Mina-ssi... what did you do to me?"



"Ah!" I squeaked, Chaeyoung just laughed at me and slapped my arm.

Look at this idiot, that is her habit whenever she's laughing so hard. She always either smack me or slap my arm.

"Wae?! I was thinking about something, you idiot!" I complained, she stopped from laughing and sighed.

"Well, you've been zoning out for quite three minutes. I keep calling you but you became deaf."

I took a deep breath and shake my head, "did you notice something unusual to Mina-ssi?"


"Yeah. I mean, she looks... weird." Chaeyoung snorted, "Mina-ssi isn't weird, idiot. Heck, she became more gorgeous as hell! I wanna ask her prayers someday—"

"Yah, I'm serious here!" I smacked her head, she whined and pouted.

"How could you say that she's weird?"

I shook my head, "nothing. I always notice her looks at me, she always clings on me, and... she's being mad whenever I'm hanging out with my classmates."

"Ohhhh~ something fishy, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows and chuckled. "She likes you."

My eyebrows perked up, "she likes me? Are you out of your mind? Why would she like me?"

"Well because she likes you...?"

"Chaeyoung-ah!" I whined. She's starting to tease me again.

"What? I'm telling the truth! I mean with those acts of hers, for sure the terror president likes you."

I took a sigh and placed my hands on my cheeks. If she does like me, why does she? I am not special, unlike those women who tried to court her.

It's unbelievable.

"Why are you here, Mina-ssi?" I asked in confusion. She smiled at me and entered my house.

It's currently nine in the night when I heard a few knocks from the main door. I was curious because I don't expect visitors and when I opened the door, it was her.

"I wanna sleep here for the night." She uttered and sat down on the couch.

"Why?" I asked.

She shrugged innocently. "Just want to. I'm alone in my house so I decided to go here. Am I bothering you?"

"No. I— uh... I just find it weird. You can sleep in the guest room—"

"Nope, I wanna sleep with you." She cut me off, stood up from the couch, and dragged me to my room.

She closed the door as I heard a little click which I guess is the doorknob.

"Why did you lock the door?" I asked, confused at her acts.

She just smiled and approached me. She held my shoulders before pushing me on the bed.

Woah! Woah! Woah!

"I wanna kiss you so badly. Unfortunately... I know you're sleepy so let's sleep." She laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

What the heck just happened? Does she mean what she's said?!

* * *

Meron ba kayong Biogesic jan? Hehehe... penge.

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