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- "You want a fight, then I'll give you a battlefield."


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3rd Person's POV

"Dear, you need to eat. You haven't eaten anything yet." Her father, Akira said while stroking his daughter's back.

Mina didn't speak or move. She's just staring at nothing, feeling the pain of seeing her lover lying on the bed with wires attached to her body.

"I..." a sob left her lips as her father immediately hold her.

"Father, I can't believe that... that someone will shoot her and..." she trailed off, tears streaming on her cheeks.

"Shh calm down, Dear. I'm sure Y/N will be alright soon. I might just know her shortly but I could feel that she's strong and she'll fight for her life." Akira comforted his daughter.

Mina continuously sobbed while clutching her chest. The pain she's feeling right now is unbearable.

I mean, seeing her lover fall into her arms with blood on her back and one near the chest are enough for her to feel hurt and somewhat traumatized.

"I'll hunt them down, father. I'll hunt her down and once we see each other again, I will make sure to destroy her body even her fucking soul."

Akira looked at his daughter. "Do you want me to prepare the things that you'll need?" Mina nodded.

"Please do, father. 'Cause once Y/N wakes up from her coma, I will make sure to destroy all the people who got involved in this incident. Especially her." Akira nodded and smiled.

"Expect me to help you with this, Dear."

"Thank you so much, father." Akira kissed his daughter's head.

"Everything for you."

"What?! What do you mean you shot her— you fucking moron!" Ji-Eun kicked his face and pushed him to the ground.

"I let you go because you told me you'll shoot Mina. If you're not that fucking stupid, you could've done your fucking job well! Instead, you shot Y/N?! How could you be so stupid?!" Ji-Eun punched him in the face once again as he spat blood.

"I-I didn't mean to, okay?! I was about to aim at Mina but Y/N blocked my way and it was too late because I already pulled the trigger! No one, it's not my fault— urgh!" He groaned and hold his stomach when Ji-Eun stomped him.

"Don't do fucking excuses, Jungkook. You didn't mean it, huh?! You shot her twice!" Ji-Eun took a deep breath before looking at her guards.

"Bring him to the Hyenas. Make sure that he'll never get alive." She ordered her guards.

"W-wait noona, we can talk about this! Yah! Don't fucking touch me!" He hysterically shouted while trying to remove the firm grips from Ji-Eun's men on his arms.

"Noona! Please, we're still siblings, right?! Please, have mercy!" Ji-Eun ignored him and went to her desk.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! She got shot... she got fucking shot..." Ji-Eun muttered under her breath.

Kring! Kring! Kri-

"Hello? Ji-Eun unnie? Do you need something?"

"Yes, Miyeon-ah. Can you send me here a black van? I just need it for something." Ji-Eun asked while biting her nail.

"Oh sure, sure! No problem, unnie. When do you need it?"

"Can I have it tomorrow?" She looked at her watch and sighed.

"Oh yeah, sure! I'll ask Soo-jin to drive it to you. Probably she's flirting with Shuhua right now." Ji-Eun heard the girl chuckle on the other line.

"Let her be. Anyway, thanks Miyeon. I'll call you again tomorrow. Bye-bye!"

After they bid their goodbyes, Ji-Eun took a deep sigh before she opened her laptop and did something. There, she could see Y/N's location.

How did she know? Connections.


"Yes, Miss?"

"Accompany me to **** Hospital tomorrow. I will gonna visit someone."

* * *

( gagi pasukan na bukas... haha pota. )

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