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- ( triple UD for 1 week )

- ( triple UD for 1 week )

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"Ouch shit!" I groaned when I tried to stand up.

Damn that woman! We ended up making love for hours and she drained me out. I feel so damn sore right now because she didn't stop eating and touching me last night.

"Hey, love." I saw her walking towards me and grabbed my arms to help me to get up.

"Aish! My center hurts because of you!" I groaned but she just laughed and kissed my lips.

"Don't be so mad, baby. You ate me last night as well!" I blushed in embarrassment.

"Don't even mention t-that. Anyway, please help me to go to the bathroom. I'll take a bath." I let out a deep sigh when she smirked.

"Can I join?"

"No, you've taken a bath already." I declined.

"I can take a bath again."

"Aish! Don't be so pervert, Minari. Help me here, will you?" Her smirk got widened.

"I will if you let me join you in the bathroom. You know, we can do part 2 of our making-love session—"

I cut her off, "you know what? I can walk by myself. Okay, bye." I immediately walked away from her and entered the bathroom.

"Yah! Wait for me!" And yeah, before I closed the door she invaded the bathroom and pinned me on the wall.

"You can't escape me, baby."

And there, we— I mean she continued the making-love part 2.

"You know love, I have never loved someone like this." She speaks while playing my fingers with her.

After our steamy bath, she decided to go here to her mini-park. Its location is behind their manor and to tell you, guys, the flowers here are so bright and gorgeous.

Like Mina. ( facts )

"What do you mean? You had a lover before, right? Chaeyoung-unnie?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, but we aren't like this. Chaeyoung... well, she cheated on me with different women so it's a different story. But us..." she looked at me and smiled.

"Us is perfect." I looked away and tried to hide my smile but failed to do so.

( tanggal angas pag Bottom ang bumanat )

"You're being too... sweet," I commented, earning a confused look from her.

"Why? You don't like it?"

"Not just used to it. I always see you as serious, possessive, and pervert woman—"

"Yah! I am not a pervert!" She denied but I just laughed and nodded.

"If you say so."

A long sigh left my mouth as I looked at the healthy trees and their dancing leaves. The sun is about to go down so might as well, watch it with her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not breaking up with her. I mean, we just got together last night so nope.



"What if one day... you'll wake up and there's no longer me beside you?" I asked out of a sudden. I don't know but I feel the urge to ask her.

"I'll feel lifeless." She answered, "the fact that you're no longer with me. That's an indication that I've failed to protect you. Well, I will make sure that you'll stay with me forever so that thought never comes into my mind." She smiled and looked at me.

"By the way, why did you ask?"

I shrugged, "nothing, just feel it. Sometimes, I'm thinking what if one day, I vanish in this world? Like, what would it feel? I don't know, just curious."

She clicked her tongue and grabbed my chin before kissing my lips gently. She pulled away and caresses my cheeks.

"Don't think about it, baby. That would be a long time. Plus, I'm still here so you still need to be alive. Because if not, I'll beat you to death." I chuckled at her threats.

"How can you beat me to death if I'm already dead?" She glared at me and slapped my stomach.

"Aish! Don't be like that, you moron. Oh wait, look at the sunset!"

Her gummy smile is showing as she points to the sun that's now set down. I looked at her lovely smile, not noticing that I have a smile on my lips as well.

"I will do anything to keep your smile..." I uttered, earning her attention.

"What?" I shook my head and slightly smiled. "Anyways! Let's go back, love. I'm sure Dad is already looking for us."

I stood up and looked at her. She nodded and agreed with what I said and was about to hold my hand when we heard a loud noise.


It came from behind.

"N-no... no love... no, no! No..."


Another one.

"Love... no!"

* * *

( agoi pa rin )

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