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- "Even the moon is jealous of how bright she is whenever she's with her"

- "Even the moon is jealous of how bright she is whenever she's with her"

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"I can't believe I'm doing this for you." She sighed, "but anyway, here I am, insanely talking in front of the camera." A smile made a way on her pinkish lips.

"If you're already watching this, I don't want you to cry. I'm doing this as a goodbye, not a cringe, sad videos that you watch." She chuckled.

"I can't believe I'm doing ridiculous things for you. But maybe, that's how love works. If you're in love, doing ridiculous things, embarrassing yourself, won't gonna matter anymore. I hope I'll make you happy with this video." She smiled genuinely.

"This is the last thing that I could do."

A sigh left her mouth. She kept rubbing her palms against her thighs, indicating that she was nervous. It's one of her habits whenever she's feeling scared or anticipated.

"I just... I just can't accept it yet." She loudly sighed, "I can't accept that I am no longer your home. I can't accept that it's not me who's been in your mind—who's been in your heart. I just can't accept it yet, Y/N-ah."

"You promised that I am the only one. You promised that I am the only one you'll love. Heck, you promised me." She covered her face with her hands and let out a soft sob.

"I-I don't wanna lose you again. I don't wanna let you leave but now, now that I found you..."

"I will be the one who'll leave." Sobs can be heard in the video as she cried and cried.

"I will be the one who'll abandon you and... and after all I did, it's still not enough to make you stay. To make you love me just once." She sobbed.

She wiped her tears and looked at the camera. Her eyes are a bit puffy, her nose is her, and her lips are dry and quivering. She tried to smile but she's breaking into tears if she does.

"I tried to write a poem for you. It's okay if you won't gonna like it but let me read it for you, Y/N." She pulled out something from her pocket.

A piece of folded paper.

You're My Moon

Between the Sun and Moon,
the second one is my favorite.
It is the Moon.

The moon shines bright at night.
The moon that became my light.
The moon that witnessed everything.
The moon that was watching.

I wrote this poem 'cause the moon
reminds me of you.
The moon reminds me that I still and will
always gonna love you.
This might not be perfect,
but I hope it has an effect.

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