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- "You're right, I am obsessed."

- ( slight mature content wie )

3rd Person's POV


"Are you just gonna disappoint us forever, Ji-Eun?! Seriously?! Liking a girl?! Are you insane, kid?!" Her father scolded the little Ji-Eun who was just ducking her head.

"Hon, calm down. Our daughter is just confused, hon. I'm sure she doesn't know what she's doing yet." Her mother hugs her husband from the side before glaring at Ji-Eun.

"Yah Lee Ji-Eun! I don't like you hanging around with that girl, understood?! She's no good for you!" Ji-Eun clenched her fists before looking up at them.

"I always do all the things that you wanted me to do. But this time, I will disobey you." She bravely said, making her parents give her a shocked face.

"What?! What do you"

"I always respect you as my parents. I tried to be a perfect daughter, a perfect doll for you. But all you could see is him." Ji-Eun glared at her brother. "Your stupid son."


"What?" Ji-Eun looked at her father. "You can't accept the fact that this son of yours can't even run your companies? So in the end, I will be the one who'll suffer from the mess he'll make, and now what? You'll forbid me to see Y/N? The girl who's keeping me alive? The girl who gave me a reason to continue living? If you think you're doing this for me, no. You're just doing this for your selfishness."

"Lee Ji-Eun!" Her mom scolded but Ji-Eun just chuckled dryly.

"I love her. I love Y/N more than you three, more than anything in this world, and more than myself. That's how I cherish her, parents." Ji-Eun uttered with a smirk.

"See? I can't even utter mom and dad anymore like how I used to! You changed me! The three of you changed me into a monster but Y/N... Y/N is there to remind that she loves me, she loves me for who I am. She's there to remind me that I am still a human and deserving to be loved by her." 

Ji-Eun stood up and looked sternly at her family. Her mom who's crying, her father who's glaring at her, and her brother who's just looking down in embarrassment.

"Now, think about it if you're gonna take her away from me. Because I swear to my tomb, I can kill for her."

With that, Ji-Eun left their home with a sly smirk. She's now heading toward her best friend's house. Yeah, they're best friends but Ji-Eun like her romantically.

And she was born with a mindset of taking everything that's hers.


"Oh, you're awake, baby." Ji-Eun greeted when the girl she love, woke up from her sleep.

"Where... where am I?" Y/N asked with a hoarse voice, scratching her eyes as she looked around.

Ji-Eun gulped hardly. Y/N with messy hair, wearing an oversized polo with three buttons unbuttoned, asking with a hoarse voice, are just too hot to handle.

"Y-you're here in my penthouse, baby," Ji-Eun answered before sitting down beside Y/N who's still subconsciously looking around.

Ji-Eun smiled before gently grabbing the girl's hand. She felt a bit happy when Y/N let her so she holds her hand softly while looking at Y/N's face.

"You can't still remember me, can you?" Ji-Eun asked in a hushed tone.

Y/N looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean? We never meet each other before except when you abducted me." She uttered in a harsh tone.

Ji-Eun felt a pinch on her chest but she brushed it off immediately. Gently, she pulled Y/N close to her and wrapped her arms around her body.

"Let me go." Y/N tried to push her away but Ji-Eun shook her head.

"Please, let me do this with you. I've been wanting to hug you, baby. I missed you so much, so, so much." Ji-Eun bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying.

Y/N took a deep sigh. It's hard to have a soft heart because when she heard the longing in Ji-Eun's voice, she can't help but let her engulf her.

"I lost you for five years, Y/N. I don't know where were you because your parents hid you from me. Please, let me do this baby." Ji-Eun sobbed softly.

Y/N doesn't know but her heart is aching whenever she hears the girl crying on her shoulder. Slowly, she lifted her hand and went to stroke Ji-Eun's back, making the girl on her neck smile in happiness.

"You're back here with me, love. You're back here and you'll fulfill your promise with me." Y/N broke the hug and looked at her in confusion.

"Promise? What promise?"

Ji-Eun chuckled before pinching her cheek. "I'll tell you later. But for now, let me do this." With that, Ji-Eun sat down on Y/N's lap and closed the gap between us.

Her lips against Y/N's are the best thing that happened to her. She kisses the girl passionately as her hands guided Y/N's arms to wrap around her petite waist. Ji-Eun smiled between their lips when Y/N gave in, wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck to deepen the kiss.

Yes, baby. This is right. I should be the only one you'll kiss. I should be the only one who can touch you. It should be me...

"Let me... hmm... breathe..." Y/N tries to pull away but Ji-Eun wouldn't let her.

"I love you. I love you so much, baby." Ji-Eun smiled before kissing her once again.

Y/N couldn't do anything but kiss her back. Ji-Eun would bite her lips if she don't.


"Shh, baby. I'll take care of you don't worry."

There, Y/N just found herself underneath her with Ji-Eun's hand inside her polo.

* * *

( early update wie )

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