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- "you can't get her without your blood in my hands."


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Mina's POV

"Urgh! You fuckers! What the hell do you want?!" I groaned and wipe the blood on the side of my lips.

I eliminated half of them but it seems like they're infinite. I'm getting tired and beaten up already but I can't let them defeat me.

I am not a Myoui for no reason.

"We want Y/N. Just give her to us then we'll not gonna kill you." Their leader said with a smirk while biting a toothpick.

I spit on the side and smirked when I saw blood with my saliva.

They're pissing me off.

"Who do you think you are to command me, idiot?" I glared at him.

"I am gonna kill you."

"Oh yeah, if you can." I stood up and kicked his face.

"Urgh! You fucking bitch! Attack her, damn it!" His men run to me as I smirked and grabbed my knife on my leg.

You messed with the wrong bitch, idiots.

3rd Person's POV

"What happened? Did she die already?" Ji-Eun asked his men.

"We don't have any news from our hunch, Miss. But I think they beat her up already." She smirked.

"Good. You may go now." Her men bowed to her before going out.

She looked at her brother who was still tied up. The man passed out due to beating and dehydration.

"Sleep well, dongsaeng. I'll have your girl with me." She whispered before drinking her wine.

There's no news yet but she smells her victory already.

"No one can defeat me. Even that Myoui." She clenched her jaws.

"Come on, get up you cowards! Get up and fight me!" Mina yelled and kicked the leader's thigh but she didn't receive any response coming from him.

She wiped all the blood on her arms with her shirt and wiped the blood on her knuckles.

"365..." she mumbled. That's the number of the men who attacked her a while ago.

"I killed them with my bare hands." She looked at her bloody hands before laughing so loud.

"Unbelievable! Am I that good?!" Her eyes wandered around the dead people on the ground.

"Weakling bitches. They just wasted my time!" She scoffed before turning around and walking away.

She's disappointed because there's no Lee Ji-Eun showed up. She thought she could kill her so that no one can disturb her and her beloved but like her hunch, Ji-Eun is a coward too.

"Fuck you for ruining our moment, Lee Ji-Eun. Once I see you, I'll never hesitate to slit your throat and feed your body to the hyenas." She mumbled before entering her car.

"Now time to continue what I need to do."

* * *

add niyo na lang ako sa CODM haha, YAKULTO.

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