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- "feel my hands run onto your body."


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Mina's POV ( mature ehee )

"Wait calm down— ah!" She squeaked when she was thrown to the bed by me.

I smirked as I looked at her in a lying state. She looks so gorgeous though, so submissive for me. I've been wanting to do this to her but those bitches keep on meddling in our business.

Once she disturbed me once again, I will never hesitate to kill her. Even in front of My Y/N.

"W-what are you gonna do, Mina?" She stuttered with a nervous look on her face.

I smiled and went on top of her, "we'll just gonna do something, baby. And I know you'll enjoy every..." I let my fingers run to her body. "Single thing I'll do to you..."

My smile turned into a smirk when her eyes followed where my fingers is going too. She was still in full clothes so I started to unbutton her crumpled shirt.

"You know..." I looked at her, "when I saw you being worried towards her, I feel a bit... mad." I noticed her swallowing thickly.


"It's obvious that you care about my rival, baby. And I don't like it." I bit my lower lip before removing her shirt off her and throwing it somewhere.

Now, her half-naked body is on display. I could see her toned abs on display, making my throat dry.

"I would never get tired looking at your beautiful body." I complimented as I averted my gaze to her reddish face.

"Mina-ssi, we don't have to do this—"

"We do, Y/N. I want to... I want to make you mine because someone might take you away from me! Of course, I don't like that!" I groaned and shut my eyes off. My anger issues are here again.

"Mina-ah..." I felt that she sat up and cupped my cheeks.

"If you're just scared that someone might take me away then I'll tell you, no one will. I am just... yours. No one will gonna take me away from you." She whispered and kissed my lips.

I smiled and opened my eyes. This side of her is what I love the most. I love how she comforts me every time and assures me of everything.

I love her so much.

"Is that true?" She nods.

"Then... make love to me if you really mean what you say." I stared into her eyes while saying it.


"Make love to me, baby," I whispered and hold her hand that was on my cheek.

"You sure?"

"More than sure." She took a sigh first before changing our position which surprised me.

She's now on top of me with her hands pinned on the side of my head. She slowly lean close to me and gently captured my lips.

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