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3rd Person's POV

"Kookie, let me go! I am your damn sister!" IU shouted while trying to remove the tight rope around her wrist.

Her brother smirked while playing the shiny knife. He looks like a psychopath himself.

"Why would I? I won't gonna let you go and kill you by myself!" He laughed hysterically as if he was losing his mind.

"Why are you doing this?" IU sighed.

He looked at her, approaching her with a scary smile on his lips.

"Why am I doing this? Because you fucking betrayed me! You fucking traitor!"

"Ah!" IU woke up from her dream, sweats on her forehead as she breathe heavily.

She looked around, she was still in her room. Her eyes went down on her wrists, they are good and there's no rope around them.

She hissed, "I need to kill him." She smiled and chuckled lowly.

"I need to kill him before he kills me."

Mina's POV

"You... like me? How could you like me— I mean, I thought you were with someone?" Y/N looked at me in disbelief.

Hmm, maybe someone told her about Chaeyoung and me... I thought, secretly clicking my tongue.

"It doesn't matter, love. I do like you. I hope you won't avoid me because of the way I feel towards you." Oh, honey, you can't avoid me.

She took a deep sigh and nodded, "it would be absurd if I avoid you. But I cannot promise to reciprocate your feelings for me."

A wide smile made way on my lips, "of course, my love. But please let me show my love for you." You can't say no, Y/N-ah.

"I'll think about it." (Y/N itabi mo, ako na.)

I felt disappointed yet I showed a smile and nodded. I can't let her know that I was the one who hired those guys for her to live with me. She cannot know that.

"Hug me, Y/N." I whispered and opened my arms.

She looked at me first before moving close to me as I wrapped my arms around her body. I smirked, I sniffed her hair, smelling the strawberry scent of her hair.

So damn addicting...

"Stay with me for a while. I'll protect you no matter what." I whispered and kissed her temple.

"Thanks, Mina-ssi."

I smirked while stroking her back. She can't leave me. If she will, then I'll lock her here with me. I love her too much, too much to let her leave me.

I can't.

If I can't have her, no one will.

She's mine.

Mine alone.

* * *

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