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Mina's POV

"What does he mean by that, Mina-ah? What do you mean wedding?"

The first thing she asked me when we entered my old room. We just finished eating with my father so I pulled her here in my room.

"Love, calm down and hear me out, will you? Don't be looking... so mad." I uttered and sat down on the innocently.

She took a deep sigh and crossed her arms. I know she's a bit panicking right now and thinking that what's happening right now is a bit fast but I don't care at all.

"Sit beside me, baby. We'll gonna talk about it, don't worry." I smiled, hiding my smirk when she obliged and sat down beside me.

"Now what?"

I grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine. "Love, I know you're confused right now. I know you're a bit mad too because I'm deciding too quickly. But love, this is for us as well. ( manipulation 101 ) what I decided is good for us." I explained and lightly squeezed her hand.

"But Mina, we're going too fast. I mean, we're not even together yet and I was surprised that your father—"

"Our father." I corrected her. ( Lord, forgive me for laughing 🥹 )

"Yeah, okay, our father. I was surprised that our father is already expecting a wedding." She sighed and shut her eyes off.

I smiled and gently pulled her close to me. Her back is now facing my front so I place my chin on her shoulder, sniffing her lovely scent.

"Then be mine, baby. I will gonna take care of you and always gonna love you." I whispered and planted kisses on her exposed neck.


"I won't let someone take you away from me. I am the right person for you, baby. No one else can take you away from me 'cause I won't let them." I muttered and gently bit her shoulder, hearing her gasped a bit.

"Don't bite... it'll leave a mark, Mina-ah." She whimpered, gently squeezing my hand.

"It's fine, baby. At least they would know that someone owned you already. And that's me..."

I turned her in front of me and captured her lips. I grabbed her arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her close to me and suck her lower lip, moaning when I got to taste her heavenly lips.

I squeezed her waist, making her let out a gasp as I immediately invaded my tongue in her mouth. I lick and suck her tongue while my hands caresses her sides.

"Hmm..." she hummed and pulled me close, making me smile on what she did.

I pulled away and looked at her gorgeous face. "Be mine tonight, baby." I whispered before capturing her lips once again, not letting her speak.

I pulled her close to me and sucked her lower lip, smiling when I heard her gasped when I squeezed her breasts.

My lips went on her cheek, down her jaws as I reached her neck. I planted soft kisses, hearing her soft moans. I gave her collarbone a long lick as I sucked and nibbled it.

"Mina..." she moaned softly

"That's right, baby. Only my name is what you can moan. Only my name, baby. No one else," I uttered in her ear and bit her earlobe.

I undress her top, throwing it somewhere in my room and unclasped her bra. Her exposed breasts are now in my sight, making me lick my lower lip.

"These..." I cupped her breasts, "these are all mine, Y/N. These are just mine..." I smirked and massaged them, hearing her softly moan under me.

I looked straight into her eyes, smirked when I'm seeing her with reddish cheeks. She's also sexily biting her lower lip.

"Do you want me to touch you, hmm?" I asked, earning a shy nod from her.

"Love, I need words. I won't gonna satisfy you if you won't gonna speak up." She took a sigh.

"T-touch me..."

I smirked, I decided to tease her a bit. "Where do you want me to touch you, baby? Your gorgeous face? Your flawless neck? Your lovely breasts? Your abs? Or your delicious center?" I gave her an innocent look.

"I won't gonna do anything if you won't gonna tell me exactly where do you want me to touch you, love."

"Touch me e-everywhere... please Mina-ah, don't tease me..." she whimpered with her thighs clenching.

Oh, how much I love hearing her begs with whimpers.

"Sure, I'll do, baby." I let my hand run onto her body as I lean in close to her face and captured her lips.

She immediately wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close to her as I started to unbutton her jeans.

My lips went on her neck once again, marking it with my love marks as I pulled down her pants with my hand and throw them away.

Now, only her undies are covering her center. I can't wait to remove it— or maybe rip it off. Yeah, maybe I'll just rip it off.

"Ah!" She squeaked when I ripped off her undies and placed them down on the floor.

I looked at her eyes before I cupped her center, seeing and hearing her moan from my touch. A smirk went on my lips when I started to rub her. She's now breathing heavily, not mentioning that her hand is tightly holding my nape.

"Enjoying, baby?" She eagerly nodded. That's what I want to see. Her, enjoying every touch and kiss I give her.

"I will gonna make you sore tomorrow, baby. And no one... no one can stop me." I growled and bit her neck before I entered my finger inside her.

"Ah! Hmm..." I heard her moan in my ear as I moved my finger inside her in slow pace.

"F-faster, Mina..." she whimpered, I obliged and added another one and moved my fingers in fast pace.

Her chest are heaving against mine, her body is slightly arching too. Her nails are being dug in my nape, making me groan in pain.

"Oh gosh... I feel it coming, love..." she breathed out as I felt her bit my earlobe, making me moan slightly.

"Go baby... come for me." She let out a loud moan before I felt something wet came from her.

Jackpot baby.

I smirked on her neck and withdraw my fingers. I looked at her straight in the eyes before I put my wet fingers in my mouth, shutting my eyes off when I got to taste her.

"Fuck..." I heard her whispered, I opened my eyes only to see her looking at me with lust in her eyes.

I pulled my fingers with a little 'pop' and smiled. I cupped her cheeks and attached my lips onto hers. I heard her moan when she tastes herself from my mouth.

I pulled away, "ready, love?"

"Hmm?— oh fuck!"

Yup, I entered my fingers inside her once again.

* * *

( okay lang haha, sino ba naman ako rold 'di ba? )

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