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- "You're just mine, baby. Mine alone."

- ( */dies peacefully )

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- ( */dies peacefully )

3rd Person's POV

"Ah... yeah... right there... hmm..." Mina moaned while tightly clutching Y/N's hair.

Y/N's head between her legs as she moaned and whimpered in pleasure. Her eyes tightly shut while she bites her lips.

"Y/N... oh gosh..." she whimpered, back arching a bit in pleasure while Y/N continued to lick and suck her center.

"I'm near— oh ah!" Mina moaned loudly before releasing her juice which Y/N gladly licked.

Y/N looked up at her and slowly climb on Mina's top, lips capturing the Japanese's lips as they have a heavy make-out session once again.

Mina wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck to deepen the kiss. She can taste herself on Y/N's mouth, letting out a small moan from the taste.

Y/N's lips went on Mina's jaw, down to her neck with a lot of ( ehem! ) love marks and bite marks which Y/N made. She looked at her painting, smirking when she saw how many love marks and bite marks she left on the Japanese's skin.

"Loving your marks?" Mina asked while smiling slyly. Y/N looked at her and chuckled.

"I've always loved my painting, Mina-ah. Especially when they're on your skin." Mina clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"So you gave someone a love mark as well?"

Y/N confusingly looked at her, "I didn't say anything like that." Mina huffed before pouting.


Y/N smiled before kissing the tip of Mina's nose, making the Japanese blush from the kiss.

"You wanna take a bath to freshen up?"

"With you?" Mina asked like a kid, making the girl laugh at her cuteness.

"Sure, love." ( oh edi kayo na amp )



"Do you have thoughts about obsession?" Y/N's eyebrows furrowed.

"Obsession? What do you mean?" Mina shrugged as she plays Y/N's fingers with hers.

"Well, for example, someone like you and they got... obsessed with you. What will you do? I mean, what reaction would you have?" Mina bit her lower lip while waiting for Y/N's answer.

"Hm... I'll talk to them," Y/N answered shortly.

"Talk to them? Why— I mean, they could harm you or whatsoever." Y/N smiled.

"I won't gonna do anything, Mina-ah. I'll just simply talk with them about how they feel towards me, that's all. I mean, it would be impossible for someone to be obsessed with me and if that happens, then maybe I'll talk to them and ask what they feel towards me." Y/N explained before letting out a sigh.

Mina smiled a bit, "will you avoid them?" Y/N shook her head. "If they won't gonna hurt nor harm me then I don't see any reason to avoid them. Wait, what's with the sudden question, love?"

Mina shrugged, "nothing, baby. Anyways, I love you so much. I hope you'll love me too in the future just like how I love you." Y/N smiled before cupping her cheeks.

"Don't worry, we're close there." Y/N engulf her with her arms, eyes starting to feel droopy.

"Good night, Mina-ah," Y/N mumbled before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Mina sighed before slowly getting up to look at Y/N who's now sleeping peacefully. Mina smiled as the pad of her thumb caresses Y/N's soft cheeks.

Losing Y/N didn't come into her mind not until Ji-Eun came. She felt terrified that Y/N could fall in love with someone else too, someone like Ji-Eun.

"I hope once I kill someone who likes you, I hope you will gonna stay and love me still," Mina whispered before planting a kiss on Y/N's forehead.

Mina stood up and grabbed her phone, dialing someone's number.

"Mina-ah? What do you need?"

"Hello, Tzuyu? Can you ready my private jet tomorrow? I wanna go to Japan with Y/N. I'll let her meet my father."

"Oh wow! When?"

"I want it tomorrow, please. I can't wait to marry her."

"Sure, unnie! Just tell me where I can pick you up."

"Okay. Thanks, Tzuyu-ah."

Mina ended the call and put down her phone. She grabbed something on her back; a small box, containing the ring that came from her great-great-grandmother.

Mina looked at Y/N before smiling, "can't wait to see you wearing this as an engagement ring."

* * *

( papunta pa lang tayo sa exciting part )

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