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Y/N's Pov

It's now midnight and I'm still up, reviewing for our exam. I know in myself that this is so not me because I normally sleep all day even though we have exams but for now, I decided to study.

I still can't sleep because of that silhouette I saw. I don't know why but it's so strange to see something like that, especially in the middle of the night.

I can't seem to brush it off, ignore it, and sleep the whole day but I seriously can't. It haunts me.

"Aish! Stop thinking about it!" I hissed and ruffled my hair.

I threw the pencil on the table, leaned my back against my chair, and exhaled sharply. I didn't notice that I've been holding my breath, wah!


I jolted up from my seat, looking around when I heard clicks. It sounds... it sounds familiar.

That's the same sound I heard last night!

I mentally shouted, sighing a bit before walking to the window and slowly pulling down the blinds.

"Please... please I don't want to see any... thing!" I shouted when I fully opened the blinds, opening the window before looking around.

Thank goodness!

I sighed in relief when I didn't see anything strange but the dark road and some flickering light post.

I closed the window and pulled down the blinds, looking at my desk full of papers and all trash. I'm lazy to fix it all so I'm just gonna leave it there for the night.

I turned off the lamp on my desk, lay down on my bed, and hug my bear. I didn't turn off the light because I'm scared especially I'm having this feeling of being watched this past few nights.

"Okay, goodnight, Mr. Bear," I whispered and shut down my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

Dark surroundings, bare feet walking through the road that's no lights. Being blind by the darkness, I continued walking through the highway, not even sure where I am heading to.

I can't seem to have control of my body as I keep walking and walking until I bumped into someone.

"You're here, my love." She whispered. I could tell she's a girl because of the tone of her deep voice.

"Who... who are you? Where am I? Why I'm here? Do I freaking know youhmp!" I got cut off when a soft thing shut my mouth off as I stood there wide eyes, frozen on the spot.

She pulled away after a while, leaving me an eerie feeling until she spoke again but now, I could feel her hands sneaking on my waist, pulling me close to her.

"You're mine." She mumbled as I feel a wet thing on my neck.

"Ah..." I covered my mouth when I accidentally moan.

"Look at you. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" She asked but this time, it's more creepy as I feel her hot breath on my neck.

"Stop. Who are you? I can't even see your face..." I whispered, trying to see her face but I could see is black.

"It's not the right time to know who am I but always remember this..." she held my face, her thumb caressing my lower lip.

"You. Are. Mine." She said before laughing like a demon.

"Ah!" I shouted, sitting on the bed and clutching my hair. "What the fuck is that dream? Who is she?" I mumbled to myself, touching my hair with sweat.

"It's just a dream Y/N. It's nothing but a... nightmare," I whispered to myself and laid down again, pulling the duvet on my body.

"Please, I don't want to dream about you again. I have school early tomorrow and I needed to sleep so please let me sleep." I mumbled and closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

Mina's POV

I chuckled at what I've heard, jumping down and looking at their house. She is so freaking adorable, getting scared because of the nightmare she had.

"Don't be scared, I'm here to guard you. You even had a dream about me and I'm so glad you had." I smirked, walking away feeling happy because I saw her again.

She is so beautiful. No wonder why people fall for her. But at the end of the day, she is mine and will always be mine. I will own her soon and I will make sure to have her in my arms, safe and sound.

Don't worry honey. We will meet soon and with that, I will introduce your future wife and that is me...

I can imagine her pleasured face while I do the work and that is her. I will do her soon, pleasure her with my mouth, my fingers and some toys on my house.

I will make sure that we will make love every day. Well if she can't then six times a week hehe. That's how I need her, I always need her.

"I will pleasure you soon Y/N and I will surely pleasure you and drive you to heaven," I mumbled, looking at my fingers.

"I will make sure of that... so be ready because,"

I smirked, "I will break your back soon."

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