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- "hands in mine, I'll hold you forever my love."


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"Mina, please calm down— oh fuck!" I groaned when she smacked my forehead.

"HA! You lost against me! I won~!" She danced around with matching hand gestures.

I just watched her with a small smile on my lips as she danced around while pointing at me. I let her win for the fifth time because if not, I need to woo her for the whole day.

"Yah! You're just cheating." I accused and pouted, she sat down and kissed my lips before shyly smiling.

" I accused and pouted, she sat down and kissed my lips before shyly smiling

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( I died */peacefully dies )

"You look so adorable." I unconsciously uttered before touching her cheek.

She became red and hides her face in her face. I don't how and when but whenever I'm with Mina, my heart beats abnormally. Maybe because we're always together, that's why.

"S-stop making me blush, aish!" She slapped my arm before running away.

If you're wondering where are we, we're here at her private beach. Yup, her private beach. Until now, I still can't believe that this girl owns a lot of things— wait, luxurious things I mean.

After her fight with Ji-Eun, we escaped and immediately went here because she said that no one can track us here, even her bodyguards won't.

In short, we're safe and sound.

"Yah Mina-ah! Where are you?!" I shouted while looking around the Villa.

"Find me, baby!" I snorted, I saw her feet under the table so I pretended that I didn't see anything and just walk around.

"Mina, come out! I'll give you many kisses if you do—"

"I'm here." I was surprised when she appeared out of nowhere with a little smile on her lips.

"Woah! Where were you?" She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"In your heart." ( kahit corny ka, mahal pa rin kita )

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I'm taller that's why. I felt her smile on my neck as we stay in a position like this, feeling each other's heartbeats.

"I hope this won't end, Y/N-ah. I don't wanna lose you. Don't leave me, please." She looked up at me with teary eyes.

I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I will never. I will gonna stay here with you always, Minari."

"Promise?" She's so cute!

"I won't gonna promise, love. I will gonna do it." ( lesson learned to those red flags like me emz 👹 )


"WHY THE HELL DID YOU FUCKING LET THEM GO?! HOW RECKLESS CAN YOU BE HUH?! You fucking— GET OUT OF MY DAMN SIGHT!" Ji-Eun shouted before throwing a glass of wine on the wall.

Jungkook, Mina, and Y/N all escaped away from her when she was unconscious. Her brother beat those guards while a traitor helped Mina to escape.

"Who helped them, Nayeon? Did you see?" Ji-Eun asked her right hand, Im Nayeon, who shook her head.

"I'm sorry but I didn't, Miss. I was about to visit Lady Y/N but the front door is already unlocked with plenty of our guards lying on the ground." Nayeon explained and bowed her head a bit.

"Track them, Nayeon-ah. Hire the best hackers and trackers here in Korea. I will pay them a billion if they find my Y/N." Ji-Eun ordered before sighing heavily.

"This time, I won't let her escape me anymore," Ji-eun whispered before looking at Nayeon who smiled at her.

"Will do, Miss. Excuse me." Nayeon left Ji-Eun's office and dialed someone's number.


"Yah! Where are you?"

"The beach, why?"

"She's looking for you so you better hide your lover in there for a while. She wants me to hire the best hackers so take care of Y/N." Nayeon whispered while looking around.

"Sure, I do. By the way, thanks for letting us go." Nayeon smiled.

"You can always count on me. I need to hang this up before she catches me. Take care of yourself." Nayeon said.

"Will do. Goodbye, Nayeon-ah. Thanks for saving us." Nayeon smiled even though her heart is breaking apart.

"Bye, Mina."

Even though you don't know
I have feelings for her. I will
always gonna do my part as
her best friend. Even if it kills
me someday.

* * *

( sow sad, medyo sinisipag nang slight 👹 )

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