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- "as long as I'm alive, no one can touch you but me"

- "as long as I'm alive, no one can touch you but me"

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Mina's POV

"Ah! Calm down, jeez." She muttered when I pushed her onto the bed.

The way that man flirted with her makes me feel of wanting to kill him and punish this lady in front of me.

"Why are you so mad, Mina-ssi?" She confusingly asked. I smirked and cupped her cheek. She's so innocent about things and I like it about her.

"I told you that you're just mine, Y/N-ah. No one can touch you but me." I huskily said as I looked at her reddish lips.

They look so good. I wanna taste them again because the last time was when we made love. Yup, we made love.

"He's just being friendly. You don't need to be mad." She quietly said and averted her gaze away from me.

I cupped her cheeks and make her look at me. We held eye contact and to tell you guys, it's making my heart beat fast.

"I love you so much. So let me touch you." I didn't wait for her response and smashed my lips at her.

I moaned in delight because finally, I can now taste her reddish lips. It tastes so heavenly!

She let out a low moan when I bit her lip as I invaded her mouth with my tongue. I explored every inch of her mouth.

I pulled away when we were out of breath and to be honest, seeing her breathing heavily with a flushed face makes me feel hornier than it is.

"What was that?" She breathed out and looked at me with a questioning look.

I smirked, "what?"

"Did you just— why the heck did you kiss me, Mina-ssi?"

"Well, because I want to. Plus, your lips look inviting." I smiled innocently, earning a scoff from her.

"You cannot just kiss people!"

"Well, you are not just people. You are Y/N and you're mine." I uttered. She rolled her eyes and sighed deeply.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore." She breathed out before looking to the other side.

I licked my bottom lip when I got the perfect sight of her neck. It makes me want to mark her body for people to know that someone already owns her.

And that's me.

"Y/N-ah..." I whispered as I leaned close to her neck, smelling her intoxicating vanilla scent.

"I like you so much..." I let my lips brush on her skin, smirking when I heard her little gasps.

"Mina-ssi. W-what are you—"

"Shh..." I placed my forefinger on her lips, shutting her off as I looked straight into her eyes.

"Let me pleasure you, love. Let me make you feel how much I love you." I whispered before slamming my lips on hers.

A whimper left her mouth, making me smirk. My hands wandered around her body, especially to her stomach where I could touch her abs.

Yup, she has abs.

Her lips are so smooth that it feels so heavenly against mine. If there's a chance that I could kiss her forever, I'll grab that immediately.

When I feel that she isn't responding to my kiss, I pulled away and grabbed her waist, making her sit on my lap.

"What the— fuck..." she cussed when I bit her neck and suck it after.

She's being submissive and I like it that way. Well, I also like her pleasuring me soon.

"Mina-ssi, t-this is wrong—"

"There's nothing wrong with this, Y/N. So shut your mouth and let me enjoy you." I whisper in her ear before biting her earlobe, earning a gasp from her.

My hands wandered around her body, caressing her curves, especially her abs since I removed her shirt already.

I placed my knee between her legs, hearing her whimper in my ear. It sounds heavenly.

"I want you to scream my name and moan for me while I touch you. We're not doing sex right now, lovely. This is making love." I smirked before removing her skirt and throwing it away.

My eyes went down on her body, she looks so perfect. Her collarbone, down to her clothed breast, to her abs and curves, and now, her clothed center that I've been wanting to touch.

And to feel too ehee.

"You look so gorgeous, love." I smiled and looked at her who was now blushing.

Cute... I thought.

"Will you stop staring at me— ahh!" She moaned when I placed my hand on her center.

"So warm and... wet," I smirked and looked at my forefinger that has moist.

"M-Mina-ssi..." she breathed out.


"Touch me, please." Oh, I thought this is wrong.


"Touch me, Mina." She whispered in my ear since I'm still on her top.

"I can't hear you, baby."

"Touch me!" She groaned and shut her eyes closed, her cheeks becoming red.

"Gladly, love." I kissed her cheek before pulling down her panties. I also throw that away and have no idea where did it go because the lights are off.

I cupped her center, licking my lower lip because heck, she is so wet.

Wet for me.

"Hmm..." she hummed while breathing heavily.

I bit my lower lip before stroking her clit, hearing her release a loud moan.

"You like that?"

"Yes..." she breathlessly said, closing her eyes in too much pleasure I'm giving her.

Oh, I'm good at this.

"Do you want me to touch you more? Hmm?" I playfully ask as I bit her shoulder.

"Hmm yes, please." She's cute when she begged.


Kring! Kring!

Oh, come on! Who the heck is that?

"Urgh!" I groaned and grabbed my phone.


"Oh chill, Mina-ya. Someone's looking for you here." I rolled my eyes.

"Who the fuck is that so I can kill them immediately." She chuckled.

"Someone named Lee Ji-Eun."

* * *

Tanginamo CODM, paalisin mo na'ko sa Master puta.

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