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- Merry Christmas! Pengeng pamasko chour HAHAHAHA!

- Merry Christmas! Pengeng pamasko chour HAHAHAHA!

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3rd person's POV

"Fucking bitch! She's ruining my plan!" The person throw their cap on the wall and sat down angrily.

"Why are you so mad?" They look at someone who spoke, seeing their sister.

"I'm fucking annoyed! That's my chance but that fucking Japanese girl ruined it! Gosh, damn it!" Their sister chuckled and shake her head.

"What's the name of the girl again?" She asked.


"The girl that you're obsessed with—"

"I'm not obsessed with her. I just love her, okay?" She raised her hands, surrendering and bobbed her head.

"Fine, fine. What's her name?"

"Lee Y/N."

She nodded and secretly right the name on a piece of paper and keep it inside her pocket.

"Anyways, I gotta go. The company needs me. Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for visiting." She smiled and nodded, giving them a kiss on a cheeks before turning around and walked away.

Lee Y/N... she looks gorgeous...

"I'm sorry, dongsaeng. But no one won't gonna fall for her. She looks gorgeous and... good." The girl bit her lips while looking at the picture she caught.

"Let's enter your life, Y/N-ah."


"Why are you acting so weird around me, Mina-ssi?" I asked while we're walking.

She's holding my hand tightly as if I'm gonna go somewhere or whatsoever.

She's been acting so weird after what happened between Hyunjin and I. She became so clingy—not that I'm complaining but yeah, I just found it weird.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"Well, you've been holding my hand so tight as if I'm gonna go somewhere without you." I explained. She hummed and raised our hands that are intertwined with each other.

"There's nothing wrong with my grip on your hand. I just wanna feel the softness of it. As a matter of fact, our hands look together. Now I think that we are really meant for each other." She looked at me and showed her gummy smile.

Ok, heart. Control is everything underI mean everything is under control.

I looked away, hiding my shyness to her. I can hear her soft chuckles beside me as she leans her face close to me.

I could smell her sweet scent along with her minty breath coming from her mouth. So intoxicating.

"You are blushing. I'm proud." She winked before showing a smirk. I could feel her lightly squeezing my hand.

"L-let's just go to my house." I stuttered and ignore her sexy smirk.

She's making me crazy, I freaking swear!

"Feel at home, Mina-ssi." I uttered as we entered inside my house.

She wants to sleep over so I let her since I have no one with me. My parents went overseas for work and they'll gonna go home next month so I'm alone.

"Your house is big." I heard her say while she's looking around.

I scoffed, "for sure, yours is bigger." I saw her smirk and looked at me.

"Yup. I'm planning to buy a house where I can live with my wife."

"Ohhh, that's nice. She's lucky to have you." She nodded, "I'm the luckiest to have you."

"I'm sorry?" She smiled at me and shake her head.

"Nothing. Anyways, let's go to your room so we— I mean you can change your clothes to a comfortable one." I nodded and guided her upstairs.

When we entered, Mina-ssi grabbed my bear and hug it so tight while smiling. She looks so cute! She looks like a cute kid.

"Can I hug this for a while, Y/N-ah?" She requested.

"Sure. I'll just change my clothes first. Wait for me here." She nodded and stare at my bear so I decided to go to the bathroom and let her play with my bear.

It's my first time to invite someone here in our house since dad is very strict. But since I'm alone and Mina offered a sleep over, I agreed immediately. After all, I'm happy to have a new friend-

"Wow..." I jumped in surprise when someone spoke behind me.

I quickly grabbed my t-shirt and wore it before turning around, seeing Mina-ssi staing at me intently.

"M-Mina-ssi, how did you get in? I-I locked the door—"

"You've got a nice body." She cut me off, slowly walking towards me while I back away.

I cursed softly when my back hit the cabinet of my clothes. It means I'm cornered. She lift her hand, placing it on my right cheek and let the pad of her thumb caress my cheek.


"Let's make love, Y/N-ah. Take me..."

* * *

WOHOOOOOO! Kamusta kayow? Umabot ba kayo ngayong Dec?

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