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- 𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕊𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥

- ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕊𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥

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3rd Person's POV

Y/N felt uneasy once she got arrived at her school. She felt a pair of eyes, staring and watching every move she makes, especially when she's alone or when she's in the library which is where she is right now.

There's nothing suspicious inside the library but she can't remove the feeling of uneasiness in her body. She keeps looking around as if she's being paranoid already.

Mina on the other side is smirking. She's the person who keeps staring at the smaller girl which is funny because Y/N can't see her—can't blame her though, Mina's head moves quickly.

She is happy because Y/N is alone so anytime, she can make a move towards the smaller girl. There are lot of times that she just wants to kidnap Y/N or just kill her best friend but on the second thought, her Y/N might get sad about it.

So as much as possible, she's trying to hold herself for being suspicious—but sometimes she's being obvious.

As she looked at the certain small girl, her feet are begging for her to go to the girl and talk to her. She wants to hear the girl's soothing voice so the result is,

She walked towards her.

"Can I sit here, Ms. Kim?" She asked, Y/N looked up, shocked as she just nodded simply.

Mina smiled to herself, sitting beside the girl who remained focused on the book she's reading. Sitting with the intimidating president is putting her under too much pressure so as far as she can, she needed to stay behave or do anything that won't piss the president.

"Don't be scared of me, Y/N-ssi. I won't bite," Mina chuckled, seeing the girl look at her before sighing in relief. "Okay, Ms. President—"

"And also, please cut that Ms. President. Just call me Mina, Y/N-ah." Mina smiled softly as the girl is pure shocked yet she just nodded.

Y/N went back to read the book she's holding, not noticing the glances that Mina gave. Mina look at Y/N's free hand, wanting to hold it but she remembered that she must not make the girl feel uncomfortable around her so she needed consent—for a while.

"Y/N?" Y/N hummed in response, Mina bit her lower lips and fiddled her fingers.

"Can... can I hold your hand? I'm quite cold." She asked, Y/N looked so shocked right now but she just nodded.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind."

With that, Mina did not waste any time and grabbed the girl's soft hand, intertwining it with hers as she sighed in, please. Mina is now warm, it's half-truth—half-lie but never mind.

At least, she holds Y/N's hand WITH CONSENT!

Mina's POV

After some reading in the library, Y/N already bid her goodbye which made me sad. I just want to hold her hand or her body forever because she is so freaking warm.

I did not expect that she will grant my request but she enjoyed it. She gave her hand a little squeeze which Y/N seems did not mind at all.

She looks comfortable.

"Ah..." A groan left my mouth as I felt the sudden heat between my legs, rubbing my thighs together to make friction.

Fuck it! Why do I need to feel horny by just thinking about her! I thought, biting my lower lips as my hand went between my legs.

I need to, I need to let this heat out even though I am still in this fucking LIBRARY!

My fingers went inside my skirt, hissing slightly when my index finger accidentally brushed on my heated core, biting my lips hardly that could draw blood but I don't care.

Thankfully, I am here at the very end of the library where people don't go here—well either if you want to make out with someone or have sex with them but it's not that hidden but enough for me to touch myself.

"Fuck this! Embarrassing!" I cursed under my breath before starting to rub my clothed wet clit.

My hand landed on my mouth when I'm about to moan. I am really sensitive right now so the simple touch to my core makes me feel pleasure immediately.

"Ngh..." I moaned quietly, biting my lips as my eyes are begging to close but I did not shut them off so that I can see if someone is there.

I continue to rub my clit, clenching my jaws as I fasten the pace, whimpers and soft moan leaving my mouth but it's still inaudible—except if you're near at me.

"Oh gosh... I'm fucking nea—"

Kring! Kring! Kring!

I got interrupted by my ejaculation when my phone vibrated on the table. I immediately answered in with my other hand, pulling my right hand away from my skirt as I wiped it with my handkerchief which is from Y/N.

I stole it duh!

"What do you need?" I coldly asked, "M-Ms. Myoui,  Ms. Son wants to see you—"

"Make her leave. Tell her that I have no time to see her." I replied, cutting him off.

"But Ms. Myoui, we can't do anything because her guards are pointing their guns at us."


She does want to see my wrath, huh, let's see if she's still alive in this day.

"I'm coming."

* * *

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