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- "I'll kill you all. Mark. My. Words."

- ( no gif muna tayo )


"Where are we gonna go, Mina-ssi?" I asked while I'm looking out the window but all I could see is the skies.

Mina packed our things while I'm asleep because she told me that we're gonna have a flight today. I was surprised obviously and asked her where are we going but she was just smiling and kept kissing my lips.

"Don't worry, baby. You'll know where we are when we get there. Now, all you need to do is lay your head on my shoulder and sleep." Point taken.

"If you say so. I know you won't gonna harm me."

"Glad you do."

I let my head lie down on her shoulder. I don't know how but the magic comes in, making me feel sleepy once she holds my hand and intertwined it with hers.

"Have a good sleep, baby." I heard her whisper before I get into a slumber.

Mina's POV

A smile made way on my lips when she fell asleep on my shoulder. What she said earlier made my heart flutter, knowing that she trusts me.

That's all I wanted to hear. Her, trusting me and my love for her.

I looked at our intertwined hands and sighed in, please. Our hands look perfect together, adding the softness and smoothness of her palm against mine.

So heavenly perfect!

At first, I was nervous that she might feel scared that I dragged her here in my private jet without telling her where are gonna go. But to my surprise, she told me that she'll stay with me no matter where we go.

I'm falling deep, gays— I mean, guys. Ehee!

"Ms. Myoui, we're near at your hometown." The flight attendant said with a kind smile.

I nodded at her before looking at my girl who was still sleeping cutely on my shoulder. I gently tap her cheek, making her eyes flutter open.

"Yes, Mina-ssi?" Husky voice. She asked with her damn husky voice.

"A-ah... ehem! T-the flight attendant said that we're near so I'm just waking you up, baby." I cursed under my breath when I stuttered two damn times.

She and her sexy voice got me like that!

"Oh... but you're still not telling me where we are." She pouted, I smiled and kissed her pouty lips.

"We're here in Japan, baby. We're here in my hometown and I want you to meet my father."

I took a sigh and get ready for her violent reaction. Oh, I forgot to mention that she has this habit of having a violent reaction whenever she's shocked so yeah.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL— hmp!" I immediately shut her off with my lips, placing my hand on her nape and shut my eyes off.

I let myself get drunk by her lips that I've always been addicted to. The way her sweet, smooth, pinkish lips attached against mine just feels so heavenly.

I pulled away with a string of saliva, smirking at her reaction. She has pinkish lips with her mouth slightly agape.

"I know how to shut you up so don't scream once again, baby. But if you want, you can scream my name instead." I smirked and chuckled when she looked away and bit her lower lip.

"S-shut up! Anyway, I wasn't informed that we're gonna go here and meet your father, Mina-ah. I was surprised—really, really surprised." She commented before scratching her nape.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Love, I know you're being nervous right now and I'm telling you, don't be. I'm sure father will gonna like you because I've been telling him. And he badly wants to meet his daughter-in-law." I smiled.

"Daughter-in-law? But we aren't together yet— okay yeah, I am his daughter-in-law." She rephrased her sentence when I deadly glared at her.

Even if I'm still courting her up until now, I know she'll end up with me. If not? Then I'll kill that someone who's gonna steal her away from me.

She's mine and mine alone.

"Anyways, like what I've said, he badly wants to meet his daughter-in-law. So I decided to come back here and this time..." I pinch her cheek, "I'm with someone I love the most."

Her cheeks became red once again, making me laugh at her cuteness. That's it, Ji-Eun. You should accept your defeat 'cause this girl will gonna tie a knot with me.

She'll be my wife soon and I can't wait for that to happen. Especially the honeymoon we'll have.

The jet landed smoothly because I'll kill the pilot if he did not do his job well. I grabbed Y/N's hand as we went out of the jet.

It's still nighttime here in Japan so I made sure to hold Y/N securely so she won't slip. Once we made out from the airport, my chauffeur is can be seen outside with my limousine.

Yup, My limousine. Father gave me one when I had my 13th birthday.

"Good evening, Ms. Myoui. You too, Ms. Kim." The chauffeur greeted us with a kind smile but I don't like how he looked at Y/N.

I clenched my teeth in anger but it went away when Y/N kissed my cheeks. I looked at her with gummy smile before we went inside.

These little things she does gives me butterflies things and also, a euphoric feeling.

"Don't be mad, Mina-ah. I'm only yours, I hope you know that already." She said before smiling at me.

My heart is beating fast on what she said and I cannot hold back myself but kiss her passionately. The chauffeur won't gonna see us anyway and if he does, then let this enter his pea-brain that he has no chance to my woman.

She's mine only.

"Hmm..." she hummed when I nibbled and sucked her bottom lip.

"Mina... we still... need to prepare..." she mumbled between our lips and was trying to block my kisses but I didn't let her.

My lips went down on her neck, giving it a soft bite and kisses. I could hear her soft moans and heavy breaths in my ears and it was turning me on.

"Mina..." she gasped when I bit her earlobe.

"Can't wait to marry you and make love every day—"

"Every day?! That's too... tiring, Mina-ah." She shyly uttered before burying her face in my neck.

I chuckled, "you should ready yourself because I'll make you sore every night."

* * *

( naranasan ko rin 'yan eh, 'yung huminga nang malalim dahil sa galit 👹 )

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