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- "you can't get her away from me. No one can."


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3rd Person's POV

"Hmm... let me rest, Mina-ah. I'm so tired." Y/N sighed in exhaustion before she lay down on the bed.

Mina on her side, smiled cheekily with her arm propped to support her head. There's still a visible lust in her eyes while she's looking at her lover who's still panting heavily.

"I missed you so much, love. You've been in a coma for 3 months that's why I couldn't get over you and your... lovely juice." Mina chuckled when Y/N blushed and buried her face in the pillow.

"Shut up!" A muffled voice echoes in their room while Mina is just laughing.

Silence surrounded them once again. Y/N with her eyes closed while Mina is just staring at her with love in her eyes.


"Yes, love?"

"Where... where is your mother?" Y/N hesitantly asked with her eyes still closed.

Mina took a deep sigh before lying down on Y/N's arm and engulfing her nakedness. The Japanese expected already that one day, Y/N will ask about her mother.

"She left when I was a kid," Mina uttered with a tired sigh.

"She was... she was in love with someone else. I have seen how my father... went on his knees, begging my mom not to leave us. But she just... she just did." A tear left the Japanese's eye.

Y/N looked at her lover before wrapping her arm around her. "Let it all out, Mina-ah."

Mina took a deep sigh before wiping her wet cheeks. It's not her thing to open up with someone especially if the topic is about her mother.

But Mina knows that Y/N will always be an exception to everything she does. She'll make sure that once she seeks an act of revenge, Y/N will never be included in that.

"Thanks for coming into my life, Y/N-ah. Thanks for staying with me." Mina uttered, looking up to her lover with an appreciation and love on her face.

"I'll always stay with you no matter what," Y/N said while combing the Japanese's hair.



"I just can't sit here and do nothing, Nayeon-ah! Jungkook shot her and what? The guards betrayed us?! I can't believe you all fucking failed again!" Ji-Eun's loud and furious voice echoed in their hideout when she found out that her brother escaped.

Her guards—which betrayed her—let Jungkook go away from her hands. She immediately eliminated those idiots without mercy and furiously ask her right hand about the incident.

"We're sorry, Miss. We didn't know that this will happen—"

"It happened already because of their stupidity so don't apologize anymore. You may go now, Nayeon-ah. Please, inform me if they find my bother. 'Cause this time..."

Ji-Eun smirked, "I will be the one who'll kill him."

Nayeon swallowed in intimidation before bowing her head and immediately leaving the office. She's aware of what Ji-Eun is capable of and betraying her will be one of the reasons for your death.

But because she has these hidden feelings towards Y/N, she'll do anything even if it exchanges for her life.

On the other side, Ji-Eun smirked when her right hand left her office. A lot of ideas and plans enter her mind and one of them is to eliminate the traitor in her team.

She pour the whiskey into her glass, swirling it before she took a sip and sighed. The burning sensation in her throat is giving her a slight relief.

Y/N is her antidote.

"Wait for the meantime, love. I will make sure to take you away from that bitch and love you forever. She's not good for you, baby. I am the only one who's good for you and you can't do anything about it."

Her jaws clenched in anger before she threw the glass on the wall while panting heavily. The madness in her heart is increasing again.

Kring! Kring! Kring!

"Unnie? Unnie, I have great news for you."

"What is it, Tzuyu-ah?"

"I have tracked your brother already and oh... I have also known who's the traitor in your hunch."

Ji-Eun smirked, "enlighten me."

She heard the Taiwanese sigh on the other line. Maybe the news she has known is quite heavy than the other.

"I was surprised that she... she betrayed you, unnie. She betrayed us..."

"Who is she?"

Tzuyu sighed, "Im Nayeon, your right hand.

* * *

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