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- ɪʜᴀɴᴅᴀ ᴀɴɢ ᴍɢᴀ ʜᴏʟʏ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ

- ɪʜᴀɴᴅᴀ ᴀɴɢ ᴍɢᴀ ʜᴏʟʏ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ

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3rd Person's POV

It's now midnight when the Japanese girl decided to visit the now sleeping girl that she claims is hers. Her habit is now visiting the girl whenever she's in deep sleep and lucky for her, Y/N is a heavy sleeper.

Mina is standing at the veranda of Y/N's room. She's staring at the sight of the exposed milky legs of the sleeping girl, feeling herself getting wet.

She cracked her bones, stretching a bit before slowly opening the sliding door of the veranda, feeling the strawberry scent inside the Korean's room.

"It smells good..." She whispered, averting her attention to the poor girl before licking her lower lips.

"I'm sorry, baby. But I can't hold it anymore." She mumbled with a smirk, pulling out a spray that can make the girl not remember what will happen this night.

She walked to the door and locked it. She approached the girl once again, caressing her cheek before planting a kiss on her forehead down to her nose until she reached the plump lips of the unconscious girl.

"Mmmh..." The Japanese moan in delight, loving the sweet taste of the girl's lips.

She pulled away, staring at the innocent sleeping face before covering her top and pinning the girl's hands beside her head.

"I'm not gonna be rough today. I just wanted to enjoy your body first." She whispered, sniffing the vanilla scent of the girl before attaching her lips to her neck. Her lips curled up when she heard a little whimper coming from the unconscious girl.

"You seem loving it. I'm glad..."

Mina whispered through the girl's ear, sticking out her tongue, and gave a long lick on Y/N's sharp jaw down to her collarbone.

The Japanese slid down to the string of Y/N's nightgown down to her smooth skin, revealing the big mounds of the girl making the Japanese drool in the sight of the girl's pinkish nipples.

(ᴀɴɢ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟᴇᴅ ʜᴜʜᴜʜᴜʜᴜᴜᴜ)

She touches the left breast of the girl, earning a soft moan coming from the girl. She started to fondle it and attach her mouth to the other breast, earning a moan from Y/N.

She suck and lick the girl's nipple, playing with it like a kid as she heard the girl moan and tilted her head on the side.

Mina is loving the sight of the frowning girl, expecting that she can let out melodic moans.

"I'm loving your moans. I super love it." She mumbled before running her hands down to Y/N's exposed thighs, giving it a soft rub, earning a little moan from the sleeping girl.

She entered her hand inside the girl's nightgown, feeling the warm core of the girl.

She's wet... that's what Mina said inside her mind before pulling the wet panties of the girl, putting them on the floor.

She could feel the hammering heart inside her chest as she slowly rubbed the warm clit of the girl, earning a squeak from Y/N.

"I want more." She whispered before undressing the girl who's now bare-naked in front of her.

She went down to the girl's clit, giving it a blow earning a whimper from her as she gave her a long lick before sucking the Korean's clit.

"Ah..." Y/N moaned, arching her back when she felt a warm feeling down there, slowly fluttering her eyes open.

Mina continued doing her business, sucking and licking the girl's clit tasting the sweetness of her. She loves how the girl always arch her back whenever Mina is sucking her hard.

"Who are— ahh!" Y/N moaned loud and was not able to continue her words when Mina sucked her hard.

Mina ignored what Y/N was trying to say and just focused on what she wants. It's a torture for her to endure not touching the girl this way so she'd not let anyone stop her.

She loves the girl so much and she can't wait to confess her feelings and fuck Y/N roughly.

As some moment occurred, Y/N's legs shook uncontrollably. Mina smirked and after a hard suck, a warm liquid flowed from Y/N as she let out a long moan, hand holding Mina's hair.

Mina swallowed the liquid with a sigh of please, loving the sweet with a hint of saltiness taste of the girl. She loved it but she needed more.

She wants more of her.

(ᴀ/ɴ: ᴏʏ ɢᴜʏs ᴅɪ ᴋᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴀɢᴀ ᴀʟᴀᴍ ᴜɴɢ ʟᴀsᴀ ɴɢ ᴀɴᴏ ɴᴀ ʏᴀɴ ᴏᴋᴀʏ ʏᴀɴ ʟᴀɴɢ ᴛᴀʟᴀɢᴀ ᴜɴɢ ɴᴀʙᴀʙᴀsᴀ ᴋᴏ ᴍɪɴsᴀɴ ʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇʜᴇ)

Mina licked her upper lip when she stared at the almost naked girl in front of her. The sight of her perky reddish nipple, her toned stomach with little abs, the milky neck of the girl with now a hickey but it's not that visible but if you look closely, you would see it.

Y/N's eyes are closed but her mouth is leaving heavy breaths after a release. This is a pleasing sight for Mina who's staring at her with luscious eyes.

The Japanese love the girl's petite body that makes her horny, every single day. That's how she needs and loves the girl, thinking that they are made for each other.

"You look so delicious... so fucking delicious," Mina whispered, running her index finger to Y/N's collar bone, down to her cleavage, to her stomach until it reach down to her sensitive reddish clit.

When Mina gave a rub on Y/N's sensitive clit, the girl whimpered a bit that making Mina turn on more.

(ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴘᴏssɪʙʟᴇ?)

"Even though I like to enter my finger inside you, I can't, baby. I might not control myself and make you sore tomorrow. Probably, the meal you gave me is fine for now. I love you so much." Mina kissed the girl once again before putting her clothes back.

She walked to the veranda, giving a little glance at the sleeping figure of the girl with a smirk before jumping down landing on the hard ground.

"Who are you?" Y/N whispered before drifting onto sleep again, completely forgetting what just happened.

* * *

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