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- "once you lay your hands on her, I'll kill you all without mercy."


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Mina's POV

"What the hell do you want from me?! Can you leave us alone, Ji-Eun?! We're happy already so stop meddling with us!" I yelled but she just smirked before landing a punch on my face.

"No, Mina. She's not happy with you. You forced her to! She won't gonna live in your house if you didn't scare her! You fucking forced her to be with you!" She yelled before punching me once again.

I spat blood on the side and glared at her. "Is that all you can do? Look Ji-Eun, she doesn't know you at all. Y/N don't know that there's Lee Ji-Eun who's existing and loves her so much! She doesn't know you and your stupid feelings!"

I know it's wrong to provoke her but I need to because they have Y/N already. When I left her dead men, she called me and said that they have Y/N already.

"She's just mine, Mina. No one can have her but me. Not you, me!" She was about to land a punch on me but I backed away and kick her stomach.

I'm not tied up if you're wondering. I know she can't tie me up because once her dirty fingers land on my skin, I'll surely skin her alive.

"You can't own her, Ji-Eun. She won't gonna be yours because I won't let you." I muttered but she just chuckled.

"As if you can do anything."

I smirked, "don't question my connections, Ji-Ein. 'Cause once you lay your hands on her, I will never hesitate to slice your head off your body."

3rd Person's POV

Meanwhile, Y/N is still asleep because Ji-Eun injected a sleeping liquid into her body. She's just sleeping peacefully in Ji-Eun's bed while those two fight for her.

"You think you can scare me with your shits? No, because I'll kill you first before you kill me!" Ji-Eun ran fast to Mina and punched her face.

Mina groaned and hold her bleeding lip. She looked at Ji-Eun with dead eyes before approaching her. She swung her fist at Ji-Eun's face and kick the back of her knee, making the girl kneeling in front of her.

"I will gonna kill you." Mina punched her repeatedly until Ji-Eun's face is full of blood.

"You can't touch her because I will gonna fucking kill you—"

And then, she was cut off when the door opened wide, revealing Y/N with a worried face. She run to them and pulled Mina away from Ji-Eun.

"You're gonna kill someone, Mina-ssi. Please, stop punching her." Y/N whispered while looking at me with worried eyes.

Mina calmed down a bit before speaking, "don't worry, my love. No one will bother us anymore." She sinisterly smiled.

"W-what do you mean?" Mina pulled her into a hug and whispered.

"Because I will gonna kill them all. I will gonna kill them all for you and you'll gonna be proud of me for doing that, baby."

* * *

( sa wakas nakapag-update rin )

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