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- ( am I the only one who feels so unproductive these past few days? )

3rd Person's POV

"Im Nayeon! Im Nayeon, open this fucking door right now! I will gonna fucking kill you, you traitor!"

Ji-Eun smacks the door repeatedly but no Nayeon is showing up. Ji-Eun signaled her men to kick the door and by that, they kicked the door open.

"Im Nayeon— what the..." they were surprised because Nayeon's room is empty.

"Where is she?" Ji-Eun glared at her men but none of them speak.

They started to explore the mini room of the former right hand, only to see a piece of paper on her bed. It is a letter she made.

I know you're reading this already and let me
tell you something, IU. You won't gonna take
Y/N away from Mina. You were a fool for trusting
me and keep being a fool because you are the
one who's digging your own grave.

I will never forget how you killed my parents, IU. I will seek revenge—we will seek revenge


"Aaaaahh!" Ji-Eun yelled and tear the paper in half. "Find that fucking woman! I will tear her into pieces."

Ji-Eun with her companions left the empty room to search for the bunny. Ji-Eun is completely furious knowing that traitors left her place without her knowing.

"Chou Tzuyu."

"Oh unnie?"

"She escaped. Nayeon escaped us and I want you to do something for me."

Tzuyu hissed, "what is it unnie?"

"Once you find that woman, bring her here with my brother. I will be the one who'll kill them." Ji-Eun uttered coldly.


"N-Nayeon? Nayeon-ah!" Y/N beamed when she saw her best friend standing at the door with a big smile.

Y/N embraced the bunny with a tight hug, can't help but tear up. She's been missing the girl for a long time because the only she knows is Nayeon was doing something crucial.

"I missed you so much, Nayeon-ah." Y/N broke the hug while sniffing.

Nayeon chuckled and wiped the girl's tears. "Don't cry now, (Y/N/N). I'm here with you." Nayeon smiled genuinely, completely ignoring the glares coming from Mina who's jealous on the side.

She's clenching her jaws while her arms are crossed. She's just staring at the two girls with jealousy in her eyes.

"Yah Kim Y/N, that's enough." Mina coldly uttered, approaching the two women with glaring eyes.

Y/N looked back at her lover, confused why Mina is looking so mad right now. She broke the hug and went to Mina's side as the Japanese wrapped her arm around the girl possessively.

Nayeon felt a pinch on her chest and yet, remained smiling. There's nothing she could do to earn Y/N's love because Mina already has it.

"Does she know you're here, Nayeon? What if she brought someone to tail you from behind?" Mina asked, Nayeon shook her head as they walk to the living room.

"Nope! No one tailed me because I already killed them. I know right now, that Ji-Eun has found out that I am betraying her, probably from Tzuyu but I don't care. I'll kill them someday." The bunny smirked.

Y/N took a deep breath before sitting down on the couch. "You can stay here with us, Nayeon-ah. It's dangerous outside and for sure, Ji-Eun is looking for you everywhere right, Mina-ah?"

Mina wants to disagree but she would be irrational to disagree since Y/N has a big point. It would be dangerous for Nayeon to go outside for a while because Ji-Eun is looking for her.

"Yeah, okay." Mina smiled plainly but deep inside her, she wanna poke the bunny's eyes for looking at her girl.

"Great! You can sleep in the guest room, Nayeon-ah. I'll fix it first so I'll leave you two here." Y/N looked at them both women before going upstairs.

Meanwhile, Nayeon and Mina shared a challenging look and no one seems to break the gaze. Mina is clenching her jaws while Nayeon is clenching her fist.

"I hope you know your limitations, Nayeon-ah. You saved us, I know, but that doesn't mean that I'll let you look at my woman just... like... that."

Nayeon smirked, "she's not your girl yet, Mina. You just forced her to live with you so technically... she doesn't love you."

Mina took a deep sigh. She's restraining herself to be violent because she knows Y/N won't gonna like it. They had talked about it already and Y/N has mentioned that she doesn't like violent people.

She doesn't want Y/N to hate her, does she?

"She loves me, you moron!" Mina gritted her teeth in anger but Nayeon just chuckled.

"If you say so. I doubt it, Mina-ah. You can see it in her eyes that she..." Nayeon approached her and pointed to her chest. "She doesn't love you, and she'll love me instead."

Nayeon smirked before leaving Mina who's still furious. She's breathing heavily as her nose flares in anger.

"You fucking— argh!"

* * *

( kaway-kaway sa mga walang jowa like me )

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