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3rd Person's POV

"Oh no, baby... what has happened to you?" Ji-Eun took a long sigh.

She visited Y/N in the **** Hospital with Nayeon who's outside the room. Ji-Eun can't help but feel mad at her brother for shooting Y/N.

"Oh, love..." Ji-Eun cupped the girl's cheek and kissed her forehead. ( wie )

She felt tears left her eyes as she tightly holds the unconscious girl's hand, placing it on her cheek. She couldn't help but feel furious and hurt at the same time by just seeing Y/N lying on the bed unconsciously.

"Love, wake up, please... I wanna hear your voice and see your smiles again. Please, wake up, baby." She whispered, hot tears still streaming on her cheeks.

Her heartbreaking into pieces as she traces Y/N's lower lip with the pad of her thumb. They are still soft and smooth and it makes her want to feel them against hers.

"Baby... I love you so much. I love you more than anything—more than myself. Please love me a little... love me a little when you wake up." she uttered before claiming the unconscious girl's lips.

She slightly moaned as she sucked her lower lip. Ji-Eun keeps stroking Y/N's cheek as she licks and nibbles her lower lip.

Ji-Eun pulled away and smiled. Even though Y/N is in a coma, she still looks gorgeous.

"Ms. Lee, we need to go. The guards said that Mina is on her way here." Nayeon suddenly entered the room with a worried face.

Ji-Eun sighed before clenching her fist. "Okay, I will just bid my goodbye to her. Wait for me outside, Nayeon-ah."

Ji-Eun averted her gaze to the unconscious girl and captured her lips once again. She smiled and pulled away before caressing her cheek.

"I will be back, baby. Wait for me, please. I'll make you mine."

Right after she said that Ji-Eun with her Nayeon left the hospital without Mina seeing them. Or did she?

Maybe, maybe not ;)

"Love, I'm here baby." Mina greeted her unconscious lover and cupped her cheek.

Mina can feel her eyes building tears. She could still feel pain. She even wished that it should be her who got shoot every night.

Y/N in a bloody state still hunts her.

"When will you wake up, love? I missed hanging around with you. I missed your lovely kisses, your arms that become my home, your angelic laughs, your heart-melting smile. I missed everything about you."

Mina closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. She's still holding Y/N's hand with her as she keeps letting out quiet sobs and hot tears.

"Baby I can't... I can't live without you." She trailed off, "I feel hopeless. I need your arms being wrapped around me once again. Engulf me with your warm hugs again, baby."

Mina could feel her heartbreaking in pieces. There's no time she didn't cry and blame herself. You can even notice the reddish eye-bags under her eyes nonetheless, she still looks beautiful.

"Don't leave me, okay? I will kill myself if you do. Don't leave me, baby, okay? Don't leave me, please. Please, I'm begging, Y/N. I still need you here. You still need to see our children so please, please stay with me." Mina whispered and with that, she did not notice that she fell asleep again with tears on her cheeks.

"Mama? Mama is that... is that you?"  The girl asked the woman who was just staring at her with a genuine smile on her lips.

"You've grown up, baby. You've grown up and looking so gorgeous just like... me." The strange woman said and can't help but tear up.

The girl approached the woman. She could feel nothing but sadness to see the woman tearing up. The girl engulf her with a warm hug that made the woman burst into tears.

"I missed you so much, Y/N. I missed you so, so much, baby." It's her mother.

Her mother died in a car accident along with her father.
( I forgot to write that part but yeah, her parents died )

"I'm sorry for leaving you, baby. We're sorry for leaving you. Your father and I didn't mean to put all the responsibilities on your back. We didn't mean to leave that early but you know..." the woman cupped her cheeks.

"I am so proud of you. I am so proud of you for standing for yourself. I am so, so proud of you, baby. You don't know how much I love and cherish you, Y/N-ah. You and your father cherish you so much." Y/N couldn't help but cry on her mother's shoulder.

"Can you stay with me, mom? Please, stay with me. Let's go home, mom. Let's go home with dad."

The woman smiled sadly. She badly wants to go home with her daughter but she knows she can't. She's just fulfilling her promise with the small-time she has.

"Baby, you'll go home. You'll go home to your lover without... us." Y/N gritted her teeth in pain.

"But mom... mom, I need you. Mom, let's go home please." Y/N tried to pull her mom's hand but the woman stopped her.

"Baby... I know this will be hard for you. But always remember that we'll always be here for you. Me, your father and your... your little brother." Y/N's gaze went on her mother's little bump.

That made her cry more.


"Shh.. come here, baby."  The woman engulfs her daughter with a motherly hug. "I know your little brother will be delighted to hear your name when he comes out at this time. I will tell him that I have you who's pursuing your dreams and keep making us happy and proud. I will tell him that he had once a sister... that I know will love him dearly."  The woman bit her lower lip.

"Baby, I love you so much. I love you so much, Y/N. Your father, me, and your little brother love you so much. More than you knew." The woman whispered.

"I'm here to fulfill my promise. And that's to be with you until I cross the path where it can lead me to a new world. I am fulfilling my promise to hug you... to remove your tiredness, your pain, your grief." The woman broke the hug and cupped her daughter's cheek.

Y/N closed her eyes. She doesn't want to see her mother slowly fading away. Her heart can't take the pain.

"I'm here to fulfill my promise... and that is to give my blessing to you and your lover. Once you two get married, expect us to be with you... spiritually."


"And I... Stephanie Lee... fulfilling my promise to take you back."

( ouch )


Mina got awake when she heard a loud shout. She looked around and was surprised to see Y/N holding her chest with tears on her cheeks.

Mina bit her lips, her heart beating fast in anticipation to hold and kiss her lover again.

"L-love..." Mina uttered, Y/N averted her gaze to her lover and slowly showed a smile.

And that's when Mina lost it.

"You're alive... baby you're awake..."

Y/N smiled, "yes baby, I am."

( ha ha ha pls hindi na'ko bitter )

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