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- ( what if... iyakan ko na lang ang DepEd? )


Mina's POV

"Father! I miss you so much!" I greeted my father with a big hug and he laughed and hugged me as well.

"I miss you too, little kid. How's your life in Korea?" I smiled and break the hug.

"I'm doing good, father. Oh, she's here." I pulled Y/N from my behind.

"Father, Kim Y/N. She's the girl that I was talking about." I smiled and looked at her who smiled as well and bowed politely.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Myoui." She formally greeted my father who was smiling widely.

"Nice to meet you too, Y/N. I've heard a lot of things about you from my daughter. Is it true that your parents owned the Lee INC.?"

"Ah haha, yes, Mr. Myoui." ( mayaman din si Y/N nang slight )

"Let's talk about your business but first, come in and let's talk in the dining room. I asked my maids to prepare food for us."

I looked at my girl and dragged her inside. We followed where my father is going at and I am a bit surprised to see a lot of dishes on the table.

"Woah... these look amazing, father!" I exclaimed while looking at these various dishes.

"Have a seat, both of you. I'm anticipated to have a conversation with Y/N." Father said with a smile.

Y/N and I sat down. Father is on his usual spot while Y/N sat down on my left side. I also put my hand on her thigh which she doesn't mind.

"So Y/N, you said that your parents owned Kim INC, right?" Father opened a conversation.

"Yes, Mr. Myoui. They were the former owner but when... they passed away, I started to handle the company." She trailed off a bit.

"Oh, it must be hard for you knowing that you were studying as well, right?" She nodded.

"It was hard in the beginning because I need to do a lot of adjustments but later on, I've handled our company well." So proud of you, baby. ( sanaol )

"So proud to know that, Y/N. I also haven't mentioned yet that I met your parents once in California."

"Oh really?" He nodded. "Yeah! I think they were having a business meeting with the same client of mine so we met. I thought they were a bit... sorry for the term Y/N but I thought they were snobs but they greeted me nicely. And then after that, we became friends." Father smiled while slicing his steak.

"That's nice to hear, Mr. Myoui. It's not new to me that my parents look like snobs but they were good people."

"I know, I know. Kim INC. won't be as wonderful as that if they don't know the business. By the way, just call me Dad, Y/N-ah. You'll be a part of the Myoui family too soon so no need to be formal." I looked at my woman, seeing her nod and smile.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly, earning her attention as she looked at me with a smile.

I'll show you something later... I mouthed, she looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

What is it? She mouthed back.

You'll know later... I winked before averting my gaze to my father.

"By the way Dear, when will you gonna marry her? I can't wait to see you both in wedding gowns and of course..." he wiggled his eyebrows. "Can't wait to see my grandchildren."

I felt my hand gently squeezed by Y/N so I looked at her and she was giving me a confused look. I chuckled slightly and looked at my father.

"We'll plan about that, father. Don't worry, we'll give you a lot of grandchildren." I smiled, and father clapped his hands proudly.

"That's what I wanna hear, Dear! I hope they'll be boys and girls." I nodded, "I'm sure they will, father."

I glanced at Y/N only to see her still staring at me with confusion. I'll just explain it to her later before we sleep. I know she'll understand and if she doesn't, then she better be.

She won't gonna end up with someone else but me. I'm hoping she knows that already.

No one can take her from me. Not Ji-Eun, not anyone else.

I'll make sure of that.

* * *

( agoi mode ako for today's veedyow )

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