Chapter 67

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I walked into the dining area and Carl locked the door behind me.

"Carl? Can you keep watch for when your dad gets back?" I asked Carl who's eyes were hidden under Rick's old sheriffs hat.

He nodded and sat on one of the metal tables with his gun on the table beside him.

I hope nothing bad happens to Daryl down in the tombs. Hopefully nothing involving the prisoners. I don't trust Tomas or Andrew. I still don't know about the rest of them.

I heard crying and saw Beth run out from the cell block.

"Beth? What's wrong?"

"Sarah!" I heard Maggie's voice yell for me. I shot up and ran for Hershel's cell. Maggie came out with tears in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Beth. Maggie pointed to the cell and Glenn shot out as well in search of Maggie. I ran in the cell and found Carol and Lori giving Hershel CPR.

"he stopped breathing." Carol told me. I ran beside Lori and helped her with the CPR. Hershel had taught Carol, Lori and I a few things a few weeks earlier, but he was always right next to us to help.

"Come on Hershel!" Lori said as she put her ear to his chest. If we didn't get his heart pumping again, he would defiantly come back. He would come back a walker.

"Don't give up! Fight!" I begged.

Suddenly, Hershel gasped for air and I put my arm in front of Lori to push her back. If this wasn't Hershel, then it was a walker.

His eyes opened for only a brief second and they weren't bloodshot red. He passed out again but he was alive.

"We did it." I murmured. Beth came running and knelt down beside her father. I walked out of the cell and was embraced by Maggie. She pulled me into a hug so tight it squeezed the air out of me.

"Thank you." she whispered into my ear through her tears. She pulled away and nodded before walking into the cell for Beth. I took a deep breathe and Glenn patted me on the shoulder. I walked over to Carl and sat down at one of the metal tables, tired from todays events.

I wish I could just soak in a nice, warm bath. That will never happen but a girl can dream.

I rested my head on the cold table waited for Daryl and the rest of the group to return. After a while of waiting, Maggie came and sat down next to me.

"You should go rest. It's been a long day. Go on. I'll wait with Carl." Maggie smiled. I nodded and felt a yawn come on.

I got up from my seat and headed back to my cell. I stopped by to check on Hershel one last time and then I walked up the long flight of stairs to get to the second floor of cells. I walked into the cell and laid down on the bottom bunk.

I rested on my stomach and burrowed my face in the pillow that i had made out of some blankets. It was better then nothing.

I'll just wait for Daryl to get back. I just have to try and stay awake. I closed my eyes and tried to fight the sleep but it won. I quickly fell asleep.


I heard some shuffling in the cell and some movement. I opened my eyes and saw Daryl sitting on the edge of the bed. I moved over and laid down on my side to where I was facing him. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

"Don't get up." he told me while he pulled off his shoes.

"Trust me, I won't. Everything go ok with the prisoners?" I ask, rubbing the tired from my eyes. Daryl rubbed his face with his hands and sighed.

"Big Tiny, Andrew and Tomas are dead. Tomas tried to kill Rick, then Rick killed Tomas. Andrew ran deeper into the tombs, most likely dead. Big Tiny got scratched and Tomas beat his skull in." Daryl murmured. He looked down at his feet with a blank stare.

"You ok?"

He let out a scoff and laid down in front of me on the bed. He turned over to his side so that his back was facing me.

"Still thinking about Merle?" I whisper. Daryl didn't reply. He relaxed onto his back and stared up at the top bunk.

I felt helpless that there was nothing I could do ease his pain. I knew if my sister ever went missing, I wouldn't want to give up on her either.

"Come on. Get some sleep. It's been a long day." I told Daryl. I rested my head on his chest and took in his warmth.

"Night." Daryl whispered in my ear and I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Hey guys! I finally got to update. It has been a little while. I wanted to run an idea by you all and see what you think. I was thinking about writing a non-apocalyptic Daryl fan-fic. It's just a thought right now and I have just been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks. I'd love to hear any opinions you guys have.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know it was really short but I plan on updating in a day or two. Also, I am really happy to be seeing all those new comments! It's great to know that you all have enjoyed the story. I went back and re-read some of my old chapters and I now hate some of them. I feel like they are really corny and poorly written. I don't know.

Anyway, thanks for all the comments.
Remember...KEEP VOTING, COMMENTING, and give me a follow if you feel like it! Thx.

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